Sunday, November 7, 2021

2011-Apr-01 (Reservation status in college)

Index of Journals
April 1, 2011

Surveillance is still on; there was cop near bus stop even today. The cop waved at conductor and then the driver had been checking me out today. What is happening here?

Internet of my phone has stopped working. I don’t know whose fault is it but I call Vodafone care and try to get it repaired. They don’t seem to helping me out. I can’t connect to internet and now I will get information of result-release on phone from friends, god. I don’t want that.

I was the best the college had during the 2009 admissions. God, Nishant and Apurv disclosed this thing to me in the library after college today. The A batch consists of students from quota (Defense, SC/ST) the batch ends with Roll numbers of Nitish and then I. Vibha is from defense quota, Faizan is from SC/ST, Irfan is defense again, now it is Nitish on students have a doubt. Well he himself claims to be 3800 rank (I was 3903 rank) but Nishant said he is from defense. Whatever, it is crazy that I was the second and then a year-back case and since then it has been down. I will get the desired respect back.

I didn’t have to sleep last night. I could have finished the Digital Circuits and Systems work. In the Computer Graphics period the class was going on mass bunk but I held the class to happen. Before class had even begun I just called Ravi at the door referring to him as ‘oye’ in very loud call. Sir threw me out for this little thing. When I was leaving he saw my smiling face and then held me to insult. He told me to face the class; I wanted to kick his ass. I stood for a second to do that and then watched him to hear what he has got. But, he would then again tell to face the class. I stepped back to stand on podium now he would tell to step down. ‘Face the class’, he again said. I looked in his face, stepped back to the exit saying ‘this is bullshit’ in his face. I was unhappy for doing this. I had to copy DCS assignment after this and I coped even name and roll number of Srishti Jain. Come on, I can’t do that. I held the class and then I was being thrown out, Apurva said she was happy to see that. 

Apurva Sood seems to be going after Aditya Mohan. It appears to be that case.

Prashant sir didn’t check lab files in the class. He just delivered lecture on mass-bunk, irregularity of students towards work. I was not involved.

In DCS lecture I was preparing lab file on the last seat but then teacher called my roll call to stop me. I didn’t dare to disobey her. She could have thrown me out of the class. I need attendance.

College detained students with attendance lesser than 20% last terminal and this terminal it is expected to increase.

God bless me

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