Tuesday, December 28, 2021


Index of Journals
July 1, 2011

The day was an in-and-out. I had college but I was not in a position to go anywhere.
It was 0330 when I went to bed. I turned the fan off before getting to sleep. The SOB is a difficult thing to handle. I was freezing in June (July actually) in such a normal environment. I went to bed a double-bed sheet on me other than the blanket that I have. I was awake early around 0630 and I then slept in amma’s room. I was awake again when they returned from temple around 0830 and everybody learned of me down with fever. 
I was sleeping in Anu’s room until 1130 after this. I had 102 degree Celsius body temperature. Around 0830, I had vomited the milk which amma out of madness of her home remedies made me drink with three tablets of unusual sizes. I hadn’t eaten anything yet. I didn’t want to eat anything now either. I had juice this time. I was tired of being in bed for so long and wanted to sit for a while. Chachi had come to the room when I was sleeping and she was being funny in the situation. She had touched a freezing thing on my arm and then felt the heat by her hand, silly as always. She was offering me to eat what she had made for breakfast but nothing was meant to eaten in fever. I was thinking what the hell is wrong with her.
I was sleeping in my room and amma came to give me medicine around 1400. Crocine gives you an almost instantaneous feeling of improvement, or is it actually like that? I was awake by the sound of the TV around 0300 when I had heard Kanye West singing Heartless on VH1 outside. I went there to listen to the song. I was not well yet. I had just bettered a little bit though. I watched TV for a while and then I had shikanji and tea from chachi. I was doing programming for two hours in the dusk. I had tomato soup around 1930 made by amma, it had too much of black pepper in it, it gave a burning sensation in throat with every sip but I still drank it because it was going to help anyway.
I was sleeping again around 2030 and I had milk and a bread slice in half sleep.
God bless me

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