Sunday, March 21, 2021

Vegetable Sellers of Panchkula (Part 3)

These are the people who dropped out of school in 8th class, 9th class or so. It is hard to say what got them to sell vegetables like how they are doing.
There are never women who are screaming to sell vegetables or fruits, and always (98% percent of the times) men. And not old men but men who are mostly below 40-45.

When asked they would tell you that they make roughly 500-600 rupees as profit on a day on average.

From what I know, have seen and experienced, these people appear in the neighborhood sometime around 8 in the morning and the “show” goes on till 12, 12:30 in the afternoon. And then there are sometimes some vendors make rounds in the evening.

The sound of L as a syllable ‘ley’ or ‘lo’ at the end of a Hindi word is very shrill and annoying. It is not just 'L', it could be other similar sounds as well such as the sound of 'N' in "kinnow low kinnow".

When I checked with police about what can done about those miscreants who scream at the top of their lungs to be heard in a radius approaching a kilometre, the cop said what they are doing is not correct but it is difficult for police to manage the neighborhoods that way. They suggested that these vendors are issued licences from municipal corporation (or mayor, am not sure) and police would be of absolute help if I have all the details about these miscreants that are required in a formal complaint. 

Tags: Journal,Indian Politics

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