Sunday, June 21, 2020

Working with skLearn's MinMax scaler and defining our own

We are going to try out scikit-learn's MinMaxScaler for two features of a dataset.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

# Two lists with 20 values
train_df = pd.DataFrame({'A': list(range(1000, 3000, 100)), 'B': list(range(1000, 5000, 200))}) 

# Two lists with 42 values
test_df = pd.DataFrame({'A': list(range(-200, 4000, 100)), \
                        'B': sorted(list(range(1000, 4900, 100)) + [1050, 1150, 1250])}) 

scaler_a = MinMaxScaler(feature_range = (0, 10)) # feature_range: tuple (min, max), default=(0, 1)
scaler_b = MinMaxScaler(feature_range = (0, 10)) # feature_range: tuple (min, max), default=(0, 1)

train_df['a_skl'] = scaler_a.fit_transform(train_df[['A']])
train_df['b_skl'] = scaler_b.fit_transform(train_df[['B']])


       A     B  a_skl  b_skl
0  1000  1000    0.0    0.0
       A     B  a_skl  b_skl
19  2900  4800   10.0   10.0

test_df['a_skl'] = scaler_a.transform(test_df[['A']])
test_df['b_skl'] = scaler_b.transform(test_df[['B']])


    A     B     a_skl  b_skl
0 -200  1000 -6.315789    0.0
    A     B      a_skl  b_skl
41  3900  4800  15.263158   10.0

train_df_minmax_a = train_df['A'].agg([np.min, np.max])
train_df_minmax_b = train_df['B'].agg([np.min, np.max])

test_df_minmax_a = test_df['A'].agg([np.min, np.max])
test_df_minmax_b = test_df['B'].agg([np.min, np.max])



amin    1000
amax    2900
Name: A, dtype: int64

amin    1000
amax    4800
Name: B, dtype: int64

The problem

We have two features A and B. In training data, A has range: 1000 to 2900 and B has range: 1000 to 4800.
In test data, A has range: -200 to 3900, and B has range: 1000 to 4800.

On test data, B gets converted to values between 0 to 10 as specified in MinMaxScaler definition.
But A in test data gets converted to range: -6.3 to 15.26.

Result: A and B are still in different ranges on test data.


We should be able to anticipate the range we are going to observe in test data or in real time situation / production.
Next, we define a MinMaxScaler of our own.

For A, we set expected minimum to -500 and for B, we set expected minimum to 0. (Similarly for maximums.)

r_min = 0
r_max = 10

def getMinMax(cell, amin, amax):
    a = cell - amin
    x_std = a / (amax - amin)
    x_scaled = x_std * (r_max - r_min) + r_min
    return x_scaled 

test_df['a_gmm'] = test_df['A'].apply(lambda x: getMinMax(x, -500, train_df_minmax_a.amax))
test_df['b_gmm'] = test_df['B'].apply(lambda x: getMinMax(x, 800, train_df_minmax_b.amax))



      A       B       a_skl   b_skl   a_gmm   b_gmm
0	-200	1000	-6.31	0.00	0.88	0.50
1	-100	1050	-5.78	0.13	1.17	0.62
2	0   	1100	-5.26	0.26	1.47	0.75
39	3700	4600	14.21	9.47	12.35	9.50
40	3800	4700	14.73	9.73	12.64	9.75
41	3900	4800	15.26	10.0	12.94	10.0 

The way we have adjusted expected minimum value in test data, similarly we have to do for expected maximum to bring the scaled values in the same range. 

Issue fixed.







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