What is a list?
- Lists are used to store multiple items in a single variable.
- List items are:
- - Ordered: items take order in which they are written in code
- - Changeable: you can use the assignment operator to change the items
- - And allow duplicate values
- List items are indexed, the first item has index [0], the second item has index [1], the third item has index [2], so and so forth.
Indexing (Part 1)
- # Accessing list items by using their index
- # Note : index start from 0
- # Note : Negative index start from -1
- thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
- print(thislist[0])
- print(thislist[1])
- print(thislist[2])
- print(thislist[-1]) # Prints the last element
Indexing (Part 2)
- Using negative numbers as indices to write a slice.
- x = ["apple", "banana", "orange", "watermelon", "cherry"]
print(thislist[-1]) # Prints the last element
print(thislist[len(thislist) - 1])
# Index “-1” is equivalent to index “len(thislist) – 1”.
print(thislist[-2]) # Prints the second last element
print(thislist[len(thislist) - 2])
print(thislist[-3]) # Prints the third last element
print(thislist[len(thislist) - 3])
Slicing (Part 1)
- Slice syntax = [start index : end index : step (optional)]
- Q: You are given that a list has 10 items.
- Which all indices are covered by the slice [2:5]?
- Ans: Three parts of the slice [2:5] are:
- start index = 2
- end index = 5
- step = 1 (takes the default value as it is not mentioned)
- Slicing is “exclusive” of end index, that means index 5 will not be a part of the slice [2:5].
- That means indices covered are: 2, 3 and 4.
Slicing (Part 2)
- What does this slice expand to - [:4]
- Start index is not mentioned. That means start index takes the default value: 0
- End index is given to be 4.
- Step is not mentioned. Step takes the default value of ‘1’
Slicing (Part 3)
- What does this slice expand to... [4:]
- Start index is mentioned.
- It has the value: 4
- End index is not mentioned.
- It has the default value of: len()
- Step is not mentioned. Step takes the default value of ‘1’
Slicing (Part 4)
- You are given a list of 10 elements.
- Ques: Which all indices are present in slice... [2:10:2]
- Ans:
- Start index is 2. Why? Because it is the number mentioned before the first colon.
- End index is 10.
- ‘Step’ is mentioned after the second colon. Step has value 2.
- So, 2 will come. After that, 4 will come. After that, 6 will come. After that, 8 will come. That is it, because it is exclusive of end index.
Slicing (Part 5)
- A slice has three parts: start index, end index and step.
- Default value of start index: 0
- Default value of end index: len()
- Default value of step: 1
- Q: What does this [2:5] expand to?
- [2:5:1]
- Q: What does this [:4] expand to?
- Here, we can see that we have a single colon. This means that we have assume default value for step = 1.
- Because the number before colon is missing that has to be start index. And number after colon is: end index.
- [0:4:1]
- Q: What does this [2:] expand to?
- Answer: [2:len():1]
Slicing (Part 6)
- # Accessing multiple items by using a range of indexes
- thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "orange", "kiwi", "melon", "mango"]
- print(thislist[2:5]) # Inclusive of 2 and exclusive of 5
- print(thislist[:4]) # From Begining to specified index
- # Note "kiwi" not included in the result
- # This slice [:4] -> [0:4:1]
- print(thislist[2:])
- # This slice [2:] -> [2:7:1]
- # 7 because it is the length of the list.
- # Using Negative indexes
- print(thislist[-4:-1]) # Note - last item index value is -1 and this not included in result
Assignment of another list on a slice of list
- With assignment operator, you can assign to an index and assign to a slice.
- When you assign a longer list to a shorter slice, it increases the length of the list.
- When you assign a shorter list to a longer slice, it decreases the length of the list.
Adding elements to a list
- Insert(): Used to insert element at a specified index.
- Takes two arguments. First argument is the index.
- Append(): takes one argument. That argument is an element to be appended in the list.
- Extend(): takes one argument but that argument is a list for us.
- Here, usage is: mainlist.extend(listtoappend)
- It is equivalent to: mainlist = mainlist + listtoappend
- Note: They lead to increase in the length of the original list.
Removing items from a list
- Remove(): takes one argument. And argument is the element itself.
- For ex: if it is list of strings, the argument would be a string. If it is a list of integers, the argument would be an int.
- Pop(): also takes one argument (defaults to ‘len()-1’ (which means the last element) if no argument is passed) but that argument is the index.
- Del: using the keyword ‘del’ delete from a specified index.
- Clear(): empties a list
>>> l = ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma'] >>> l.remove('alpha') >>> l ['beta', 'gamma'] >>> >>> >>> l.pop(0) 'beta' >>> >>> l ['gamma'] >>>
- Q: Let the input list be: x = ["apple", "banana", "orange", "watermelon", "cherry"]
- Show how you can reverse this list in three ways.
- 1) Through slicing:
- x[::-1]
- 2) Using the built-in function:
- list(reversed(x))
- 3) Using method invocation:
- x.reverse()
List Comprehension (Part 1)
- Creating a new list from an existing one:
# Creating a new list from an existing one
l = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "guava"]
n = []
for i in l:
['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'guava']
l = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "guava"]
n = [ str(i) for i in l ]
List Comprehension (Part 2)
# Syntax of list comprehension: [ some_function(i) for i in some_list ]
my_list = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "guava"]
n = [ str(i) for i in my_list ]
['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'guava']
some_function() is your: str()
some_list is your: my_list = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "guava"]
Problem on List Comprehension
- You have a list of 10 numbers.
- [5, 2, 9, 1, 8, 3, 6, 0, 4, 7]
- Create a new list by adding 5 to each of these numbers.
# Create a new list by adding 5 to each of these numbers.
l = [5, 2, 9, 1, 8, 3, 6, 0, 4, 7]
k = [i + 5 for i in l]
[10, 7, 14, 6, 13, 8, 11, 5, 9, 12]
Problem 1 on: Assignment to a slice
thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "orange", "kiwi", "melon", "mango"]
thislist[1:3] = ['potato', 'tomato', 'brinjal']
What will be the output?
Solution 1 on: Assignment to a slice
thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "orange", "kiwi", "melon", "mango"]
Out: 7
# What is being replaced?
Out: ['banana', 'cherry']
thislist[1:3] = ['potato', 'tomato', 'brinjal']
Out: ['apple', 'potato', 'tomato', 'brinjal', 'orange', 'kiwi', 'melon', 'mango']
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