Thursday, October 15, 2020

BERT is aware of the context of a word in a sentence

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import torch
import transformers as ppb
import warnings

from joblib import load, dump
import json
import re 



Loading the Pre-trained BERT model

model_class, tokenizer_class, pretrained_weights = (ppb.BertModel, ppb.BertTokenizer, 'bert-base-uncased')

# Load pretrained model/tokenizer
tokenizer = tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_weights)
model = model_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_weights) 

When run first time, the above statements loads a model of 440MB in size.

Word Ambiguities 

def get_embedding(in_list):
    tokenized = [tokenizer.encode(x, add_special_tokens=True) for x in in_list]
    max_len = 0
    for i in tokenized:
        if len(i) > max_len:
            max_len = len(i)

    padded = np.array([i + [0]*(max_len-len(i)) for i in tokenized])
    attention_mask = np.where(padded != 0, 1, 0)
    input_ids = torch.LongTensor(padded)
    attention_mask = torch.tensor(attention_mask)

    with torch.no_grad():
        last_hidden_states = model(input_ids = input_ids, attention_mask = attention_mask)
    features = last_hidden_states[0][:,0,:].numpy()
    return features 

python_strings = [
    'I love coding in Python language.',
    'Python is more readable than Java.',
    'Pythons are famous for their very long body.',
    'Python is famous for its very long body.',
    'All six continents have a python species.',
    'Python is a programming language.',
    'Python is a reptile.',
    'The python ate a mouse.',
    'python ate a mouse'

string_embeddings = get_embedding(python_strings)   


(9, 768)

csm = cosine_similarity(X = string_embeddings, Y=None, dense_output=True)

In the picture below, if we ignore the diagnol (that is similarity of a sentence to itself), we are able to see which sentence is closer to which.

[[1.   0.83 0.8  0.79 0.8  0.84 0.84 0.81 0.81]
 [0.83 1.   0.79 0.76 0.8  0.87 0.79 0.8  0.79]
 [0.8  0.79 1.   0.96 0.86 0.77 0.88 0.77 0.78]
 [0.79 0.76 0.96 1.   0.82 0.77 0.9  0.75 0.77]
 [0.8  0.8  0.86 0.82 1.   0.78 0.85 0.8  0.8 ]
 [0.84 0.87 0.77 0.77 0.78 1.   0.81 0.76 0.78]
 [0.84 0.79 0.88 0.9  0.85 0.81 1.   0.81 0.86]
 [0.81 0.8  0.77 0.75 0.8  0.76 0.81 1.   0.9 ]
 [0.81 0.79 0.78 0.77 0.8  0.78 0.86 0.9  1.  ]] 

for i in range(len(csm)):
    ord_indx = np.argsort(csm[i])[::-1]
    print([python_strings[j] for j in ord_indx[1:]])

I love coding in Python language.
['Python is a reptile.', 'Python is a programming language.', 'Python is more readable than Java.', 'python ate a mouse', 'The python ate a mouse.', 'All six continents have a python species.', 'Pythons are famous for their very long body.', 'Python is famous for its very long body.']

Python is more readable than Java.
['Python is a programming language.', 'I love coding in Python language.', 'All six continents have a python species.', 'The python ate a mouse.', 'Python is a reptile.', 'python ate a mouse', 'Pythons are famous for their very long body.', 'Python is famous for its very long body.']

Pythons are famous for their very long body.
['Python is famous for its very long body.', 'Python is a reptile.', 'All six continents have a python species.', 'I love coding in Python language.', 'Python is more readable than Java.', 'python ate a mouse', 'Python is a programming language.', 'The python ate a mouse.']

Python is famous for its very long body.
['Pythons are famous for their very long body.', 'Python is a reptile.', 'All six continents have a python species.', 'I love coding in Python language.', 'python ate a mouse', 'Python is a programming language.', 'Python is more readable than Java.', 'The python ate a mouse.']

All six continents have a python species.
['Pythons are famous for their very long body.', 'Python is a reptile.', 'Python is famous for its very long body.', 'I love coding in Python language.', 'Python is more readable than Java.', 'The python ate a mouse.', 'python ate a mouse', 'Python is a programming language.']

Python is a programming language.
['Python is more readable than Java.', 'I love coding in Python language.', 'Python is a reptile.', 'All six continents have a python species.', 'python ate a mouse', 'Pythons are famous for their very long body.', 'Python is famous for its very long body.', 'The python ate a mouse.']

Python is a reptile.
['Python is famous for its very long body.', 'Pythons are famous for their very long body.', 'python ate a mouse', 'All six continents have a python species.', 'I love coding in Python language.', 'Python is a programming language.', 'The python ate a mouse.', 'Python is more readable than Java.']

The python ate a mouse. 
['python ate a mouse', 'I love coding in Python language.', 'Python is a reptile.', 'All six continents have a python species.', 'Python is more readable than Java.', 'Pythons are famous for their very long body.', 'Python is a programming language.', 'Python is famous for its very long body.']

python ate a mouse 
['The python ate a mouse.', 'Python is a reptile.', 'I love coding in Python language.', 'All six continents have a python species.', 'Python is more readable than Java.', 'Python is a programming language.', 'Pythons are famous for their very long body.', 'Python is famous for its very long body.'] 

Few observations

1. "python ate a mouse" is more closer to "Python is a reptile." than "The python ate a mouse."
For closeness of these sentences to "Python is a reptile" shows "python ate a mouse" at number 3 while "The python ate a mouse" appears at number 7.

2. The model we are using is "uncased" so capitalization does not matter.

3. Sentences about Python language are similar to each other, and sentences about Python reptile are similar to each other.

4. Word "python" or "Python" alone is closest to 'I love coding in Python language.' then to 'Python is a reptile.', see code snippet below.

from scipy.spatial import distance
python_embedding = get_embedding('python')
csm = [1 - distance.cosine(u = python_embedding[0], v = i) for i in string_embeddings]
print([python_strings[j] for j in np.argsort(csm)[::-1]]) 

['I love coding in Python language.', 
'Python is a reptile.', 
'python ate a mouse', 
'The python ate a mouse.', 
'All six continents have a python species.', 
'Python is a programming language.', 
'Python is more readable than Java.', 
'Python is famous for its very long body.', 
'Pythons are famous for their very long body.'] 

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