Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Add Vectors (4 Questions) 2022-May-26

Ques 1:
Ques 2:
Ques 3:
Ques 4:
Tags: Technology,Mathematical Foundations for Data Science,

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Tri Nagar Home Renovation Notes (2022 May 24)

Index of Journals

Tags: Technology,Journal,Management,Investment,

Monday, May 23, 2022

Scalar Multiplication and Unit Vector Questions

Scalar Multiplication

Ques 1:
--- Ques 2:
--- Ques 3:

Unit Vectors

Ques 1:
--- Ques 2:
--- Ques 3:

Unit Vectors: Solved Problems on Paper

Tags: Technology,Mathematical Foundations for Data Science,

Sunday, May 22, 2022

What is this in Blogger Top Referrers (2022-May-23)

1. Before Top Referer -

2. Click on this blue 'learn more' button (below banner) that generates leads wrt

3. Before The Link Goes Out to survival8, look at the intermediate URL

4. After Top Referrer -

Tags: Technology,Cyber Security,Web Development,

Tri Nagar Tiles Work on Mezzanine Floor for Tenants (2022-May-22)

Index of Journals

Excel Sheet For Labor for applying tiles on Mezzanine Floor at the rate of 25 Rs per sq. foot

Excel Sheet for Labor and Material

Area measurements (1)

Area measurements (2)

Tags: Technology,Journal,Investment,Management,

Ownership of Bicycle, 2-wheeler and car in India by percentages (2022)

1. Bicycle Penetration

2. Two-wheeler Penetration

3. Car

Tags: Technology,Investment,Management,Data Visualization,

Friday, May 20, 2022

Paint Work in Tri Nagar Home by Md Salim (2022-May-20)

Index of Journals

73rd St. Mezzanine Floor:
- 2 sets of doors
- 1 Window
- Balcony
- Roof top box and ceiling in both: balcony and toilet


- 73 St. Facade
- 73 St. Alley
- Stair Well
- High Wall
- Second Level Terrace


75 Mezzanine Floor:

- 3 sets of windows
- 2 sets of doors
- balcony
- Roof top box and ceiling in both: balcony and toilet

75th St. Facade


73 Groud Floor - Outer Room:

- 2 sets of windows 
- 2 sets of doors 
- 2 sets of almirah


73 Ground Floor - Inner Room:

- 2 sets of Almirah 
- 2 sets of windows 
- 1 set of doors 


75th St. Ground Floor - Inner Room:

- 1 Almirah 
- 2 windows 
- 1 pair of doors


75th St. Ground Floor - Outer Room:

- 2 sets of doors
- 2 sets of windows 
- 2 almirah 


Tags: Journal,Investment,Management,

Download CAT Books (2014-Jan) Uploaded in 2022-May

Books: Google Drive Link


Indian Forex Reserves.pdf Report by IIMA on Competitiveness of Indian Mfg.pdf The A-Z of Correct English _ Common Errors in English.pdf
Tags: Technology,Management,Investment,List of Books,

Testing Anti-virus Functionality of Google Drive (2022-May-20)

1. Virus found in .zip file due to the presence of an .exe Executable file.

2. Can't download all files Suspicious files will be skipped.

3. As an owner, I can download the files individually at my own risk

4. As an owner, I can download the files individually at my own risk

5. The Deleting the Executable Files from 'CD1' Directory

Ashish Jain@LAPTOP-79RV456R MINGW64 ~/OneDrive/Desktop/CD1 $ ls 0others/ 1allaboutmba/ 2bschool/ 3writtentest/ Ashish Jain@LAPTOP-79RV456R MINGW64 ~/OneDrive/Desktop/CD1 $ cd 0others/ Ashish Jain@LAPTOP-79RV456R MINGW64 ~/OneDrive/Desktop/CD1/0others $ ls -lR | grep exe -rwxr-xr-x 1 Ashish Jain 197121 6603173 Jan 5 2000 acrobat.exe* -rw-r--r-- 1 Ashish Jain 197121 1039 Jul 20 2004 menu_link_exe.gif Ashish Jain@LAPTOP-79RV456R MINGW64 ~/OneDrive/Desktop/CD1/0others $ cd ../3writtentest/ Ashish Jain@LAPTOP-79RV456R MINGW64 ~/OneDrive/Desktop/CD1/3writtentest $ ls -lR | grep exe -rwxr-xr-x 1 Ashish Jain 197121 753664 May 7 2001 307vocabsoftware1.exe* -rwxr-xr-x 1 Ashish Jain 197121 240218 Jul 3 2004 310mathsoft.exe* -rwxr-xr-x 1 Ashish Jain 197121 1602560 Mar 2 2004 311gmattest.exe* Ashish Jain@LAPTOP-79RV456R MINGW64 ~/OneDrive/Desktop/CD1/3writtentest Logs post deletion of Executables: Ashish Jain@LAPTOP-79RV456R MINGW64 ~/OneDrive/Desktop/CD1 $ ls -lR | grep exe -rw-r--r-- 1 Ashish Jain 197121 1039 Jul 20 2004 menu_link_exe.gif
Tags: Technology,Cloud,Cyber Security,