Success Story: Prateek Kohli (2020)

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Prateek Kohli

1996, Founder and CEO (Gratitude Systems)

  1. What is the one factor that contributed most in what you have achieved in life?

    Devotion towards Krishna.

  2. What is your single biggest achievement?

    Millionaire at 23. [net worth: INR 10 Lakhs]

  3. What is the one lesson that you learnt the hard way?

    Be your own astrologer.

  4. What is the one thing that you would like to change about India to make it a better country?

    You will be able to see in the future.

  5. What would be your message to anyone aspiring success?

    Quoting a Doha by Kabira that signifies the importance and fruit of hard work. It means that (Practice makes people perfect; with time and perseverance even water can leave marks on stone).
    करत -करत अभ्यास के जड़मति होत सुजान।
    रसरी आवत-जात ते, सिल पर परत निसान।

  6. What is the biggest mistake that you have ever made?

    Mistakes made me who I am today. So, They aren’t mistakes anymore.

  7. Please tell us about the toughest times you have ever had, the most testing times that you have been through.

    I want to keep it personal.

  8. What is the one thing that motivates you the most?

    Man in the mirror.

  9. What is the one thing that worries you the most?

    Faith doesn’t allow me to worry.

  10. Please tell us about your five-year plan, personally and professionally.

    I want to keep it personal.
    Sorry about question 7 and this one, I have given my answers.

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