BITS WILP Object Oriented Analysis and Design Quiz-2 2017-H1

BITS WILP Object Oriented Analysis and Design Quiz-2 2017-H1

Question 1
AC004. Life line is used in
Select one:
a. Sequence diagram
b. Swim lane diagram
c. State diagram
d. Activity diagram
The correct answer is: Sequence diagram
Question 2
F2059:Which of the following statement is false?
Select one:
a. When the whole is deleted, parts in aggregation are also removed
b. All the Given Options
c. Both Aggregation and Composition are 'part-of' relationship.
d. Aggregation is a special kind of Association.
The correct answer is: When the whole is deleted, parts in aggregation are also removed
Question 3
F2051:Each object has _______ that specify information about the object.
Select one:
a. Methods
b. Attributes
c. Messages
d. Other objects
The correct answer is: Attributes
Question 4
AD001. Which of the following is not true
Select one:
a. High coupling makes the design easy to understand
b. High coupling means higher reliance on other objects
c. High coupling makes it harder to reuse
d. High coupling leads to high change impact
The correct answer is: High coupling makes the design easy to understand
Question 5
AA932 Object-oriented system modelling using CRC method gives
Select one:
a. Java programs for the system
b. Objective C programs for the system
c. C++ programs for the system
d. Classes of the system, their responsibilities and collaborating classes
The correct answer is: Classes of the system, their responsibilities and collaborating classes
Question 6
AE001) Defines an interface for creating an object, but let the subclasses decide which class to instantiate.It lets the instantiation differ to subclasses.
Select one:
a. Builder
b. Prototype
c. Abstract Factory
d. Factory Method
The correct answer is: Factory Method
Question 7
F2072:You did not understand ellaboration when
Select one:
a. None of the given options
b. It has many iterations
c. Risky and core architecture is tackled first
d. It lasts for more than few months long
The correct answer is: It lasts for more than few months long
Question 8
AD004. When we want to replace a class with another class which is more efficient but has a different interface, which pattern comes handy?
Select one:
a. Facade
b. Adaptor
c. Strategy
d. Composite
The correct answer is: Adaptor
Question 9
AC003. Multiplicity indicates
Select one:
a. No of classes in a domain
b. No of objects in a class
c. No of objects in a package
d. No of objects with which another object is associated with
The correct answer is: No of objects with which another object is associated with
Question 10
AA909 A class is
Select one:
a. template for objects of a particular type
b. a class of objects
c. a group of objects
d. a classification of objects
The correct answer is: template for objects of a particular type
Question 11
F2054:Class diagrams at conceptual level should include:
Select one:
a. Both attributes and operations
b. Operations ONLY
c. Attributes ONLY
The correct answer is: Attributes ONLY
Question 12
AD005. An observer pattern does not involve
Select one:
a. Notifying changes / events to observers
b. Analyzing observers
c. Observing changes
d. Keeping track of all observers
The correct answer is: Analyzing observers
Question 13
AA933 The expansion of the acronym CRC is
Select one:
a. Class Responsibilities and Collaborators
b. Collaborating with Relevant Classes
c. Collecting Responsibilities Classes
d. Creating Relevant Classes
The correct answer is: Class Responsibilities and Collaborators
Question 14
CA025 Single inheritance, Multiple inheritance, and Aggregation comes under _______
Select one:
a. Modularity
b. Hierarchy
c. Typing
d. None of the mentioned
The correct answer is: Hierarchy
Question 15
F2065:Which of the following objects are not part of the ATM application described below? An Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is offered to bank customers as a convenience. At the ATM, customers can make deposits to or withdrawals from their account(s). They can also transfer funds between their accounts, and can make inquiries as to account balances. In order to access the services of the ATM, customers must have an ATM card and a Personal Identification Number (PIN).The components of the ATM include a User Interface, a card reader, an envelope slot, a cash drawer and a printer. The User Interface has a display and buttons. There are 10 numeric entry buttons, 4 transaction selection buttons, an "Enter" button and a "Cancel" button. Each ATM is connected to the bank computer via a network . Each ATM has a unique network identification number. The ATM validates account balances and account status by communicating with the bank computer . ATM's require periodic servicing. This servicing can include maintenance, restocking cash in the money holder, and removing deposited envelopes from the envelope repository. From the envelope When the rear service panel is open, the ATM suspends interactions with the customers. Each ATM has a particular branch of the bank that is responsible for service and maintenance.
Select one:
a. ATM card
b. Services
c. Printer
d. None of the given options
e. Envelope Slot
f. Transaction
The correct answer is: Services
Question 16
F2056:What is the difference between an attribute and an association?
Select one:
a. All the Given Options
b. UML syntax for attribute - visibility name: type = default value
c. From specification and implementation perspective, an attribute is owned by a type while an association allows one to navigate from one type to another
The correct answer is: All the Given Options
Question 17
F2074:SSDs are done in
Select one:
a. Inception
b. Ellaboration
c. Deployment
d. Construction
The correct answer is: Ellaboration
Question 18
AA927 Given a word statement of a problem potential objects are identified by selecting
Select one:
a. noun phrases in the statement
b. verb phrases in the statement
c. adverbs in the statement
d. adjectives in the statement
The correct answer is: noun phrases in the statement
Question 19
F2073:Roles does not have
Select one:
a. Name
b. Navigability
c. Attributes
d. Multiplicity
The correct answer is: Attributes
Question 20
AC002. Identify the odd man out
Select one:
a. Activity diagram
b. State diagram
c. Domain model
d. Sequence diagram
The correct answer is: Domain model
Question 21
CA015 During analysis an architect is concerned about _____.
Select one:
a. technology
b. deployment
c. implementation
d. behavioral
The correct answer is: behavioral
Question 22
CA007 The term Incomplete for a UML has the same meaning as which of the following for an EER diagram?
Select one:
a. Overlapping rule
b. Total specialization rule
c. Disjoint rule
d. Partial specialization rule
The correct answer is: Partial specialization rule
Question 23
CA038 Which approach to development is the most interactive and focuses more on the user and their work?
Select one:
a. Object-oriented analysis
b. Information engineering
c. Structured design
d. Modern structured analysis
The correct answer is: Object-oriented analysis
Question 24
AE007) Define the skeleton of an algorithm in an operation, deferring some steps to subclasses. It lets subclasses redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithm structure.
Select one:
a. Chain of responsibility
b. Prototype
c. Interpretor
d. Template method
The correct answer is: Template method
Question 25
CA040 Which of the following is a UML interaction diagrams?
Select one:
a. Graph
b. data diagram
c. histogram
d. collaboration diagram
The correct answer is: collaboration diagram

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