Saturday, March 1, 2025

Day 1 - Exploring SQLite using Translation App's DB

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How to run SQLite on Windows?

To run SQLite on Windows, follow these steps:

1. Download SQLite

  1. Go to the official SQLite website:
  2. Scroll down to the "Precompiled Binaries for Windows" section.
  3. Download "SQLite Tools for Windows" (ZIP file).
  4. Extract the ZIP file to a folder (e.g., C:\sqlite).

2. Add SQLite to System PATH (Optional, for easier access)

  1. Copy the extracted folder path (e.g., C:\sqlite).
  2. Search for "Environment Variables" in Windows.
  3. Under System Variables, find and edit the Path variable.
  4. Click New and paste C:\sqlite.
  5. Click OK to save changes.

Now, you can run sqlite3 from any command prompt.

3. Run SQLite

Option 1: Using Command Prompt

  1. Open Command Prompt (cmd).
  2. Navigate to the SQLite folder (if you didn't add it to PATH):
    cd C:\sqlite
  3. Start SQLite by running:
  4. To open an existing database or create a new one:
    sqlite3 my_database.db
  5. To check tables in the database:
  6. To exit SQLite:

Option 2: Using SQLite GUI Tools (Optional)

If you prefer a graphical interface, you can download a GUI tool:

This tool allows you to easily create and manage SQLite databases without using the command line.

Option 3: Using SQLite with Python

If you want to interact with SQLite in Python, use the sqlite3 module:

import sqlite3 # Connect to a database (or create one) conn = sqlite3.connect("my_database.db") # Create a cursor cursor = conn.cursor() # Create a table cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT);") # Insert data cursor.execute("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('Alice');") conn.commit() # Query data cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users;") print(cursor.fetchall()) # Close connection conn.close()

Now you have SQLite running on Windows! 🎉 Let me know if you need more help. 🚀

Show all tables.

To show all tables in an SQLite database, use the following SQL query:

SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';


  • sqlite_master: This is a system table in SQLite that stores information about all database objects (tables, indexes, views, triggers).
  • WHERE type='table': Filters the results to show only tables (excluding indexes, views, etc.).

Alternative (Using .tables in SQLite CLI)

If you're using the SQLite command-line interface, you can simply run:


This will list all the tables in the current database.

Let me know if you need help with something specific! 😊

Get table schema using SQL.

To get the schema of a table in SQLite, you can use the following SQL command:

PRAGMA table_info(your_table_name);


  • PRAGMA table_info(your_table_name): Returns details about the table structure, including:
    • Column ID (cid)
    • Column Name (name)
    • Data Type (type)
    • Nullable Constraint (notnull)
    • Default Value (dflt_value)
    • Primary Key Status (pk)

Example Usage:

PRAGMA table_info(HindiToEnglishApp);

Output Example:

cid | name | type | notnull | dflt_value | pk ----+-----------+----------+--------+------------+---- 0 | id | INTEGER | 1 | NULL | 1 1 | word | TEXT | 1 | NULL | 0 2 | meaning | TEXT | 0 | NULL | 0

Alternative: Using sqlite_master

To get the CREATE TABLE statement that defines a table's schema, use:

SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='your_table_name';


SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='HindiToEnglishApp';

Output Example:


This query retrieves the exact SQL statement that was used to create the table.

Let me know if you need more details! 😊

Viewing All Tables

Using sqlite_master table sqlite> SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'; attempted_hindi_to_eng_ques attempt_log ques_info hindi_to_english_ques_bank user_login Using CLI sqlite> .tables attempt_log ques_info attempted_hindi_to_eng_ques user_login hindi_to_english_ques_bank

Viewing the create statement for different tables

sqlite> SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='user_login'; CREATE TABLE user_login ( username text PRIMARY KEY, password text NOT NULL ) SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='ques_info'; CREATE TABLE ques_info ( pair_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, chapter INTEGER NOT NULL, title TEXT NOT NULL, subject TEXT not null, grade INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (pair_id) REFERENCES hindi_to_english_ques_bank (pair_id) ) sqlite> SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='hindi_to_english_ques_bank'; CREATE TABLE hindi_to_english_ques_bank ( pair_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, hindi text NOT NULL, english text NOT NULL UNIQUE ) sqlite> SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='attempted_hindi_to_eng_ques'; CREATE TABLE attempted_hindi_to_eng_ques ( username text not null, pair_id integer not null, flag integer not null DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (username, pair_id) FOREIGN KEY (pair_id) REFERENCES hindi_to_english_ques_bank (pair_id) ) SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='attempt_log'; CREATE TABLE attempt_log ( attempt_time DATETIME NOT NULL, username TEXT NOT NULL, pair_id INTEGER NOT NULL, result BOOLEAN NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (pair_id) REFERENCES hindi_to_english_ques_bank (pair_id) )

Viewing table data

sqlite> select * from ques_info; 1|1.1|Ram and Mango|English|1 2|1.1|Ram and Mango|English|1 3|1.1|Ram and Mango|English|1 4|1.1|Ram and Mango|English|1 5|1.1|Ram and Mango|English|1 6|1.2|To|English|1 7|1.2|To|English|1 8|1.2|To|English|1 9|1.2|To|English|1 10|1.2|To|English|1 11|1.3|Sense Organs|English|1 12|1.3|Sense Organs|English|1 13|1.3|Sense Organs|English|1 14|1.3|Sense Organs|English|1 15|1.3|Sense Organs|English|1 ... sqlite> select * from hindi_to_english_ques_bank; 1|छत पर मत चढ़|Do Not Climb On The Roof 2|राम आम खाता है|Ram Eats Mango 3|वह इंग्लिश पढ़ता है|He Reads English 4|राम ने आम खाया|Ram Ate Mango 5|राम आम खा रहा है|Ram Is Eating Mango 6|वे आम खाते हैं|They Eat Mango 7|राम द्वारा आम खाया जाता है|Mango Is Eaten By Ram 8|हाथ ताली बजाने के लिए|Hands To Clap 9|पैर चलने के लिए|Legs To Walk 10|नाक सूँघने के लिए|Nose To Smell 11|मुँह बातचीत के लिए|Mouth To Talk 12|सिर सोचने के लिए|Head To Think 13|आँखें देखने के लिए|Eyes To See 14|दो छोटे हाथ बजाएं ताली ताली ताली|Two Little Hands Go Clap Clap Clap 15|दो छोटे पैर बजाएं टैप टैप टैप|Two Little Legs Go Tap Tap Tap
Tags: Database,Technology,

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