Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Toothpastes for Pyorrhoea

1. Senquel Foaming Medicaled Oral Gel

# Effectively reduces tooth sensitivity # Reduces the sensation of pain # Offers a gentle cleansing experience # Maintains overall oral health Key Benefits Senquel oral gel, with potassium nitrate, effectively reduces tooth sensitivity, allowing you to enjoy hot and cold foods without discomfort The foaming gel offers a refreshing and gentle cleansing experience for your teeth and gums Potassium nitrate desensitises nerve endings in the teeth, reducing the sensation of pain or discomfort This oral gel promotes overall oral comfort, making daily oral care routines more pleasant

2. Stolin-R Foaming Dental Gel

Key Ingredients: Zinc Sulphate I.P, Sodium Monofluorophosphate U.S.P, Alum B.P Key Benefits: Stolin-R Foaming Gel contains minerals that help restore lost minerals in the teeth, which can lead to stronger teeth overall The gel is enriched with sodium monofluorophosphate and zinc sulphate, which provide fluoride protection against tooth decay and cavities Stolin-R Foaming Gel contains alum and zinc sulphate, which help fight against bacteria and prevent pulp infections Stolin-R Foaming Gel provides a complete solution for oral hygiene, helping to keep teeth and gums healthy and clean

3. Stolin Oral Gel

Key Ingredients: Strontium Chloride Key Benefits: Stolin oral gel, with strontium chloride, helps alleviate tooth sensitivity, allowing you to enjoy hot or cold foods and drinks without discomfort This gel provides thorough cleaning and plaque removal, promoting overall oral health Experience a refreshing and cool sensation with each use, leaving your mouth feeling revitalised The gel-based formula is gentle on gums, making it suitable for sensitive oral care

4. Pyx-G Toothpaste for Plaque & Tartar Control | Fights Bad Breath, Bleeding Gums & Pyorrhoea

Key Ingredients: Potassium Nitrate BP 5% w/w Sodium Monofluorophusphote USP 0.7% w/w 3 (Fluoride contents not more than 917 ppm) Baking soda Key Benefits: Pyx-G Toothpaste helps in preventing tartar build-up on teeth and keeps them healthy The presence of fluoride in the toothpaste helps in fighting tooth decay and reduces the chances of developing cavities The baking soda in Pyx-G Toothpaste acts as a natural whitening agent that clears out stains and plaque from the teeth' surface Pyx-G Toothpaste can potentially help in avoiding bleeding gums

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