import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import re import nltk from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize import sys import gensim from gensim import corpora from gensim.models.lsimodel import LsiModel, stochastic_svd from gensim.models.coherencemodel import CoherenceModel from gensim.models import RpModel from gensim.matutils import corpus2dense, Dense2Corpus from gensim.test.utils import common_texts from gensim.corpora.dictionary import Dictionary from gensim.models.ldamodel import LdaModel # Latent Dirichlet Allocation and not 'Latent Discriminant Analysis' from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize from sklearn.decomposition import LatentDirichletAllocation, PCA from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.random_projection import SparseRandomProjection, johnson_lindenstrauss_min_dim from sklearn.random_projection import GaussianRandomProjection from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances import string from collections import Counter from preprocess import preprocess_textTags: Machine Learning,Natural Language Processing,Technology,Latent Dirichlet Allocation is a statistical technique to identify topics in textual data.
This below is a snapshot of few results we were getting till we trimmed and trimmed our words from the "probability" equations. Doing this to a great extent will lead to over-fitting. #1 Topic Id: 0 Probabilities: 0.006*"people" + 0.003*"mobile" + 0.003*"film" + 0.003*"phone" + 0.003*"music" + 0.003*"service" + 0.002*"party" + 0.002*"game" + 0.002*"time" + 0.002*"election" + 0.002*"government" + 0.002*"firm" + 0.002*"million" + 0.002*"way" + 0.002*"number" + 0.002*"take" + 0.002*"win" + 0.002*"player" + 0.002*"well" + 0.002*"next" Topic Id: 1 Probabilities: 0.004*"game" + 0.003*"time" + 0.003*"government" + 0.003*"people" + 0.003*"service" + 0.003*"company" + 0.003*"world" + 0.002*"month" + 0.002*"firm" + 0.002*"bbc" + 0.002*"phone" + 0.002*"film" + 0.002*"take" + 0.002*"home" + 0.002*"way" + 0.002*"week" + 0.002*"show" + 0.002*"market" + 0.002*"second" + 0.002*"well" Topic Id: 2 Probabilities: 0.006*"people" + 0.003*"world" + 0.003*"time" + 0.003*"game" + 0.003*"number" + 0.003*"government" + 0.003*"company" + 0.003*"firm" + 0.002*"month" + 0.002*"market" + 0.002*"many" + 0.002*"country" + 0.002*"film" + 0.002*"play" + 0.002*"sale" + 0.002*"tax" + 0.002*"take" + 0.002*"minister" + 0.002*"player" + 0.002*"award" Topic Id: 3 Probabilities: 0.005*"film" + 0.004*"time" + 0.003*"game" + 0.003*"labour" + 0.003*"world" + 0.002*"sale" + 0.002*"week" + 0.002*"election" + 0.002*"month" + 0.002*"people" + 0.002*"country" + 0.002*"show" + 0.002*"party" + 0.002*"firm" + 0.002*"want" + 0.002*"government" + 0.002*"since" + 0.002*"service" + 0.002*"many" + 0.002*"good" Topic Id: 4 Probabilities: 0.004*"time" + 0.003*"people" + 0.003*"game" + 0.003*"government" + 0.003*"world" + 0.002*"number" + 0.002*"company" + 0.002*"music" + 0.002*"win" + 0.002*"blair" + 0.002*"right" + 0.002*"labour" + 0.002*"show" + 0.002*"mobile" + 0.002*"england" + 0.002*"firm" + 0.002*"country" + 0.002*"next" + 0.002*"day" + 0.002*"plan" #2 Topic Id: 0 Probabilities: 0.005*"people" + 0.004*"time" + 0.003*"sale" + 0.003*"film" + 0.003*"mobile" + 0.003*"game" + 0.002*"company" + 0.002*"show" + 0.002*"firm" + 0.002*"million" + 0.002*"party" + 0.002*"world" + 0.002*"country" + 0.002*"labour" + 0.002*"way" + 0.002*"service" + 0.002*"week" + 0.002*"2004" + 0.002*"top" + 0.002*"music" Topic Id: 1 Probabilities: 0.004*"film" + 0.004*"time" + 0.003*"people" + 0.003*"government" + 0.003*"award" + 0.003*"game" + 0.002*"world" + 0.002*"music" + 0.002*"party" + 0.002*"player" + 0.002*"country" + 0.002*"blair" + 0.002*"labour" + 0.002*"win" + 0.002*"bbc" + 0.002*"home" + 0.002*"number" + 0.002*"service" + 0.002*"election" + 0.002*"top" Topic Id: 2 Probabilities: 0.006*"game" + 0.003*"people" + 0.003*"world" + 0.003*"time" + 0.003*"company" + 0.003*"firm" + 0.002*"phone" + 0.002*"film" + 0.002*"month" + 0.002*"number" + 0.002*"service" + 0.002*"player" + 0.002*"england" + 0.002*"market" + 0.002*"minister" + 0.002*"right" + 0.002*"home" + 0.002*"government" + 0.002*"next" + 0.002*"british" Topic Id: 3 Probabilities: 0.005*"people" + 0.004*"government" + 0.004*"time" + 0.003*"world" + 0.003*"election" + 0.002*"game" + 0.002*"week" + 0.002*"company" + 0.002*"labour" + 0.002*"plan" + 0.002*"service" + 0.002*"next" + 0.002*"minister" + 0.002*"win" + 0.002*"work" + 0.002*"technology" + 0.002*"way" + 0.002*"film" + 0.002*"day" + 0.002*"bbc" Topic Id: 4 Probabilities: 0.004*"people" + 0.003*"government" + 0.003*"firm" + 0.003*"time" + 0.003*"world" + 0.003*"market" + 0.003*"number" + 0.002*"month" + 0.002*"country" + 0.002*"price" + 0.002*"group" + 0.002*"film" + 0.002*"company" + 0.002*"lord" + 0.002*"show" + 0.002*"economy" + 0.002*"2004" + 0.002*"london" + 0.002*"report" + 0.002*"use" import re import string import nltk from nltk.corpus import stopwords'stopwords') from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer'wordnet') from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize'punkt') def cleanup_text(text): # Remove tags remove = re.compile(r'') text = re.sub(remove, '', text) text = re.sub("[0-9]+;", '', text) # Remove special characters reviews = '' for x in text: if x.isalnum(): reviews = reviews + x else: reviews = reviews + ' ' #Convert to lower text = reviews.lower() return text def remove_punctuations(text): exclude = set(string.punctuation) exclude.remove("-") text = ''.join(ch for ch in text if ch not in exclude) return text def remove_stopwords(text): stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) days_of_week = ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"] stop_words.update(days_of_week) words = word_tokenize(text) words = [x for x in words if len(x) > 2] words = [x for x in words if x not in stop_words] return words def lemmatize_word(text): le = WordNetLemmatizer() text = [le.lemmatize(w) for w in text] return text def preprocess_text(doc): doc = cleanup_text(doc) doc = remove_punctuations(doc) words = remove_stopwords(doc) words = lemmatize_word(words) doc = " ".join(words) return doc def remove_additional_words(text): additional_stopwords = ["new", "like", "many", "also", "even", "get", "say", "according", "would", "could", "know", "made", "make", "come", "didnt", "dont", "doesnt", "go", "may", "back", "going", "including", "added", "set", "take", "want", "use", "000", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "20", "u", "one", "two", "three", "year", "first", "last", "good", "best", "well", "told", "said"] days_of_week = ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"] additional_stopwords += days_of_week words = word_tokenize(text) words = [x for x in words if len(x) > 2] words = [x for x in words if x not in additional_stopwords] doc = " ".join(words) return doc df1 = pd.read_csv('bbc_news_train.csv') df1['Preprocess_text'] = df1['Text'].apply(preprocess_text) df1['Preprocess_text'] = df1['Preprocess_text'].apply(remove_additional_words) print(Counter(df1['Category'])) Counter({'business': 336, 'tech': 261, 'politics': 274, 'sport': 346, 'entertainment': 273}) from gensim.test.utils import common_texts from gensim.corpora.dictionary import Dictionary # Create a corpus from a list of texts clean_corpus = [doc.split() for doc in df1['Preprocess_text'].values.tolist()] common_dictionary = Dictionary(clean_corpus) common_corpus = [common_dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in clean_corpus] %%time NO_OF_TOPICS_FOR_TRAINING = 5 NO_OF_WORDS_IN_TOPIC = 20 lda = LdaModel(common_corpus, num_topics = NO_OF_TOPICS_FOR_TRAINING, id2word = common_dictionary) ldamodel_topics = lda.print_topics(NO_OF_TOPICS_FOR_TRAINING, NO_OF_WORDS_IN_TOPIC) for (topic_id, probabilities) in ldamodel_topics: topic_string = "\n\nTopic Id: " + str(topic_id) + "\n Probabilities: " + str(probabilities) print(topic_string) Topic Id: 0 Probabilities: 0.004*"people" + 0.003*"time" + 0.003*"government" + 0.003*"film" + 0.003*"game" + 0.003*"sale" + 0.003*"company" + 0.002*"world" + 0.002*"music" + 0.002*"player" + 0.002*"country" + 0.002*"month" + 0.002*"show" + 0.002*"2004" + 0.002*"market" + 0.002*"group" + 0.002*"next" + 0.002*"bbc" + 0.002*"second" + 0.002*"technology" Topic Id: 1 Probabilities: 0.004*"people" + 0.004*"time" + 0.003*"world" + 0.003*"game" + 0.002*"party" + 0.002*"firm" + 0.002*"day" + 0.002*"service" + 0.002*"show" + 0.002*"way" + 0.002*"think" + 0.002*"company" + 0.002*"market" + 0.002*"next" + 0.002*"music" + 0.002*"win" + 0.002*"award" + 0.002*"british" + 0.002*"still" + 0.002*"phone" Topic Id: 2 Probabilities: 0.004*"game" + 0.004*"film" + 0.004*"government" + 0.003*"people" + 0.003*"time" + 0.003*"firm" + 0.003*"sale" + 0.003*"labour" + 0.002*"number" + 0.002*"market" + 0.002*"country" + 0.002*"company" + 0.002*"service" + 0.002*"tax" + 0.002*"way" + 0.002*"plan" + 0.002*"week" + 0.002*"technology" + 0.002*"blair" + 0.002*"minister" Topic Id: 3 Probabilities: 0.005*"people" + 0.004*"time" + 0.003*"world" + 0.003*"game" + 0.003*"labour" + 0.003*"week" + 0.003*"party" + 0.002*"month" + 0.002*"election" + 0.002*"win" + 0.002*"way" + 0.002*"show" + 0.002*"company" + 0.002*"old" + 0.002*"number" + 0.002*"play" + 0.002*"music" + 0.002*"group" + 0.002*"net" + 0.002*"mobile" Topic Id: 4 Probabilities: 0.006*"people" + 0.004*"time" + 0.003*"film" + 0.003*"world" + 0.003*"service" + 0.003*"government" + 0.003*"mobile" + 0.003*"company" + 0.003*"game" + 0.002*"win" + 0.002*"firm" + 0.002*"number" + 0.002*"election" + 0.002*"month" + 0.002*"phone" + 0.002*"home" + 0.002*"party" + 0.002*"country" + 0.002*"minister" + 0.002*"england" for i in range (1, len(df1)): tagged_topic = df1.iloc[i]["Category"] text_for_inference = df1.iloc[i]["Text"].split() bow = common_dictionary.doc2bow(text_for_inference) document_topics = lda.get_document_topics(bow, minimum_probability=None, minimum_phi_value=None, per_word_topics=False) document_topics.sort(key=lambda elem: elem[1], reverse=True) document_topics_string = "\n\nArticle ID: " + tagged_topic + " : " for (topic_id, probability) in document_topics: document_topics_string = document_topics_string + " Topic ID: " + str(topic_id) + ", Probability: " + str(probability) + "," print(document_topics_string) for topic, prob in document_topics: topic_terms_string = "\n Topic ID: " + str(topic) + " : " + lda.print_topic(topic) print(topic_terms_string) Article ID: business : Topic ID: 0, Probability: 0.97704554, Topic ID: 4, Probability: 0.018701652, Topic ID: 0 : 0.004*"people" + 0.003*"time" + 0.003*"government" + 0.003*"film" + 0.003*"game" + 0.003*"sale" + 0.003*"company" + 0.002*"world" + 0.002*"music" + 0.002*"player" Topic ID: 4 : 0.006*"people" + 0.004*"time" + 0.003*"film" + 0.003*"world" + 0.003*"service" + 0.003*"government" + 0.003*"mobile" + 0.003*"company" + 0.003*"game" + 0.002*"win" Article ID: business : Topic ID: 4, Probability: 0.7235847, Topic ID: 0, Probability: 0.27315685, Topic ID: 4 : 0.006*"people" + 0.004*"time" + 0.003*"film" + 0.003*"world" + 0.003*"service" + 0.003*"government" + 0.003*"mobile" + 0.003*"company" + 0.003*"game" + 0.002*"win" Topic ID: 0 : 0.004*"people" + 0.003*"time" + 0.003*"government" + 0.003*"film" + 0.003*"game" + 0.003*"sale" + 0.003*"company" + 0.002*"world" + 0.002*"music" + 0.002*"player" Article ID: tech : Topic ID: 4, Probability: 0.9569476, Topic ID: 3, Probability: 0.040294025, Topic ID: 4 : 0.006*"people" + 0.004*"time" + 0.003*"film" + 0.003*"world" + 0.003*"service" + 0.003*"government" + 0.003*"mobile" + 0.003*"company" + 0.003*"game" + 0.002*"win" Topic ID: 3 : 0.005*"people" + 0.004*"time" + 0.003*"world" + 0.003*"game" + 0.003*"labour" + 0.003*"week" + 0.003*"party" + 0.002*"month" + 0.002*"election" + 0.002*"win" ... ... ...
Monday, June 20, 2022
Creating a Taxonomy for BBC News Articles (Part 8 - Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation for topic modeling)
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