Monday, November 21, 2016

Is having a water fountain a sensible thing to do?

Is having a water fountain a sensible thing to do?

Let us discuss this in points:

1. Fountains are a wastage of water.

Fountains represent a conspicuous consumption of scarce water resources. Not only do they use water, but the splash and flow of fountains flaunt this dubious use of water.

2. Fountains make too much noise.

Water fountains operate at a minimal amount of noise, which could be enough to disrupt the peace of mind if not taken care of. However, there are ways to make it quiet if the water pump is become a nuisance. First, make sure the water level is covering the pump. Next, make sure the pump isn’t vibrating against one or the other side. (If so, put a cloth in between the pump and fountain) The fountain should operate quietly after this.

3. Water fountains use a lot of electricity.
Your fountain should use electricity depending on the number of water outlets it has, the pressure at which the fountain is operating, and the lighting present in the fountain setup. The electricity wasted in water fountain operating at high pressure with five openings could rather be used to light up five houses in a remote village.

4. Algae and other mineral deposits develop in the water body.

To keep all the pests out of the fountain, it requires a few drops of anti-algae water treatment into the fountain on a weekly basis. These drops should destroy algae already present and also prevent the formation of new growth.

5. Mosquito breeding

Water fountains should be cleaned to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in it. It is better to turn off and dry the fountains during the seasons when mosquito population thrives.

Concluding with this, it is not a sensible thing to install fountain as the resources it takes are scarce and it has some major side effects.

Dated: 21 Nov 2016

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