Success Story: Neha Pal (2019)

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Neha Pal

1992, GIS Developer

  1. What is the one factor that contributed most in what you have achieved in life?

    No specific factor as such.

  2. What is your single biggest achievement?

    Getting the 'Rising Star' award in the very first job, in the very first project.

  3. What is the one lesson that you learnt the hard way?

    Don't trust.

  4. What is the one thing that you would like to change about India to make it a better country?

    Bring equality (gender based, income based).

  5. What would be your message to anyone aspiring success?

    Work hard.

  6. What is the biggest mistake that you have ever made?

    Falling in love.

  7. Please tell us about the toughest times you have ever had, the most testing times that you have been through.

    When my boyfriend dumped me without giving any reason. I still don't know why or anything about it.

  8. What is the one thing that motivates you the most?

    Not too many things motivate me. I'd say 'work of choice' would be my answer.

  9. What is the one thing that worries you the most?

    What would happen to my mummy and papa after I am gone?

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