Success Story: Gurarchi Kaur (2018)

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1991, Law Student (and Astrologer)

  1. What is the one factor that contributed most in what you have achieved in life?

    The support and motivation by my loved ones.

  2. What is your single biggest achievement?

    Being able to breathe and live a healthy lifestyle with loved ones by my side.

  3. What is the one lesson that you learnt the hard way?

    Trust carefully. Though not all fingers are the same, exceptions are always there thankfully. :-)

  4. What is the one thing that you would like to change about India to make it a better country?

    If at all possible and a Herculean task - the attitude of the people, including myself. The rest would take care of itself.

  5. What would be your message to anyone aspiring success?

    I'm not a successful person as of now, but success is not an easy recipe. It doesn't come that easy/overnight. But if one follows the right ingredients, you can 'create' the perfect customized recipe.

  6. What is the biggest mistake that you have ever made?

    Thinking that "I've enough time" as a human life, even though the clock keeps ticking every nanosecond. And, doubting my own capabilities.

  7. Please tell us about the toughest times you have ever had, the most testing times that you have been through.

    Still going through, though now just professionally. 'Personally' has been taken care of, Thanks to Almighty :-)

  8. What is the one thing that motivates you the most?

    The strong urge to help those in need in whichever way possible.

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