We are going to explore Word2Vec for an application related to ten Wikipedia documents in the docx format around the technologies: Java, C, C++, C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, R and SQL. Objective is to find out which entity is closest to which other entities. Note: spaCy supports the following entity types: PERSON, NORP (nationalities, religious and political groups), FAC (buildings, airports etc.), ORG (organizations), GPE (countries, cities etc.), LOC (mountain ranges, water bodies etc.), PRODUCT (products), EVENT (event names), WORK_OF_ART (books, song titles), LAW (legal document titles), LANGUAGE (named languages), DATE, TIME, PERCENT, MONEY, QUANTITY, ORDINAL and CARDINAL. (Ref: 1) The Python code is as follows: from gensim.models import Word2Vec from sklearn.manifold import TSNE import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import spacy nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') import os from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join mypath = 'files_1' # The ".docx" files to be kept in the "files_1" directory can be downloaded from here: # https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mKmyQTi4AtztzDII_vGKNM-6rOXbp3Xp onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(mypath) if isfile(join(mypath, f))] import docx from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize def getText(filename): doc = docx.Document(filename) fullText = [] for para in doc.paragraphs: fullText.append(para.text) return word_tokenize('\n'.join(fullText)) doc_content = [getText(mypath + os.sep + i) for i in onlyfiles] model = Word2Vec(doc_content) joined_docs = "" for i in doc_content: joined_docs += ' '.join(i) doc = nlp(joined_docs) print([(X.text, X.label_) for X in doc.ents]) # OUTPUT: # [('Wikipedia', 'GPE'), ('around 2000', 'DATE'), ('ISO/IEC 23270:2018', 'ORG'), ('CLI', 'ORG'), # ('8', 'CARDINAL'), ('2019', 'DATE'), ('16.3', 'CARDINAL'), ('Contents Design', 'PERSON'), ('Ecma', 'PERSON'), # ('Software', 'ORG'), ('the .NET Framework', 'ORG'), ("'' Simple Managed C ''", 'WORK_OF_ART'), ('SMC', 'ORG'), # ('January 1999', 'DATE'), ('Cool', 'ORG'), ("`` Object Oriented Language ''", 'ORG'), ('Microsoft', 'ORG'), # ('Cool', 'ORG'), ('the July 2000', 'DATE'), ('Hejlsberg', 'PERSON'), ('Microsoft', 'ORG'), ('Delphi', 'ORG'), # ('Inprise Delphi', 'PERSON'), ('Borland', 'GPE'), ('e.g', 'ORG'), ('CLR', 'ORG'), ('1994', 'DATE'), # ('Java', 'ORG'), ('Java', 'ORG'), ('Gosling', 'ORG'), ('Java', 'ORG'), ('Klaus Kreft', 'PERSON'), # ('Angelika Langer', 'PERSON'), ('C++', 'NORP'), ('Java and C #', 'WORK_OF_ART')... ... ... ...] # GPE: Geopolitical entity # LOC: Location # NORP: “Nationalities or religious or political groups” # Entities to be excluded: 'DATE', 'PERSON', 'CARDINAL', 'MONEY', 'ORDINAL', 'PERCENT', 'TIME', 'GPE', 'NORP' # 'FAC', 'PRODUCT', 'EVENT' entities_list = [] excluded_entities = ['DATE', 'PERSON', 'CARDINAL', 'MONEY', 'ORDINAL', 'PERCENT', 'TIME', 'GPE', 'NORP', 'FAC', 'PRODUCT'] # Cannot keep 'ORG' in it, most programming languages fall out if this entity type is excluded for ent in doc.ents: if len(ent.text.strip()) > 0 and ent.label_ not in excluded_entities: entities_list.append(ent.text.strip()) keys = [] vectors = [] entities_list = set(entities_list) for i in entities_list: if i in model.wv.vocab: keys.append(i) vectors.append(model.wv[i]) # Here is the main problem that we need to solve: # Not all entities present in the documents are being captured in the Word2Vec model. len(set(entities_list)) OUTPUT: 600 len(set(keys)) OUTPUT: 70 # Finding the closest entities from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=15, algorithm='ball_tree').fit(vectors) distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(vectors) for i in indices: matched_keys = [keys[k] for k in i] print(keys[i[0]] + ": " + str(matched_keys[1:])) OUTPUT: Not all records are shown here! Android: ['Google', 'WYSIWYG', 'DOM', 'HTTP', 'RFC', 'XSS', 'Static', 'MIME', 'CERN', 'CPython', 'DOCTYPE', 'IETF', 'IBM', 'String'] SEQUEL: ['ANSI', 'Software', '||', 'ActionScript', 'Exception', 'PEP', 'JS', 'IDE', 'GUI', 'CRAN', 'CLI', 'Unicode', 'JVM', 'Array'] Java: ['C++', 'XHTML', 'SQL', 'ISO/IEC', 'JavaScript', 'Python', '#', 'one', 'W3C', 'CSS', 'HTML5', 'two', 'HTML', 'Netscape'] two: ['HTML5', 'W3C', 'Netscape', 'one', 'Microsoft', 'ECMAScript', 'Sun', 'XML', 'XHTML', 'Java', 'SGML', '%', 'Explorer', 'ISO/IEC'] MIME: ['CPython', 'IBM', 'Semantic', 'Functions', 'Mono', 'HTTP', 'Program', 'DOCTYPE', 'WYSIWYG', 'DOM', 'Android', 'Google', 'Array', 'JVM'] IDE: ['PEP', '||', 'Software', 'ANSI', 'SEQUEL', 'Exception', 'ActionScript', 'JS', 'GUI', 'CRAN', 'CLI', 'Unicode', 'JVM', 'Array'] String: ['LCMCalculator', 'IETF', 'CERN', 'C.', 'Static', 'XSS', 'RFC', 'ISO', 'Google', 'API', 'Android', 'DOM', 'WYSIWYG', 'HTTP'] Static: ['CERN', 'XSS', 'IETF', 'RFC', 'String', 'Google', 'C.', 'LCMCalculator', 'Android', 'WYSIWYG', 'DOM', 'HTTP', 'ISO', 'API'] DTD: ['Document', 'See', 'WHATWG', 'Transitional', 'e.g', 'Frameset', 'Explorer', '%', 'SGML', 'Style', 'Markup', 'Oracle', 'API', 'ISO'] SQL: ['C++', 'ISO/IEC', 'Python', 'Java', 'XHTML', 'JavaScript', '#', 'CSS', 'one', 'W3C', 'HTML5', 'HTML', 'two', 'Netscape'] JS: ['ActionScript', 'GUI', 'CRAN', 'Exception', 'SEQUEL', 'ANSI', 'Software', 'CLI', '||', 'Unicode', 'JVM', 'PEP', 'IDE', 'Array'] GUI: ['CRAN', 'CLI', 'JS', 'Unicode', 'ActionScript', 'JVM', 'Array', 'Exception', 'SEQUEL', 'ANSI', 'Software', '||', 'Program', 'PEP'] Frameset: ['e.g', 'Style', 'Transitional', 'Markup', 'Oracle', 'Document', 'API', 'ISO', 'DTD', 'C.', 'LCMCalculator', 'See', 'String', 'IETF'] Software: ['ANSI', 'PEP', '||', 'SEQUEL', 'IDE', 'ActionScript', 'Exception', 'JS', 'GUI', 'CRAN', 'CLI', 'Unicode', 'JVM', 'Array'] SGML: ['Explorer', '%', 'WHATWG', 'See', 'DTD', 'XML', 'Sun', 'Document', 'Transitional', 'e.g', 'Frameset', 'Style', 'Markup', 'ECMAScript'] RFC: ['XSS', 'Google', 'Static', 'Android', 'CERN', 'DOM', 'WYSIWYG', 'IETF', 'String', 'HTTP', 'LCMCalculator', 'C.', 'DOCTYPE', 'MIME'] Python: ['JavaScript', 'C++', 'SQL', 'ISO/IEC', 'Java', 'XHTML', '#', 'CSS', 'one', 'HTML', 'W3C', 'HTML5', 'two', 'Netscape'] DOM: ['WYSIWYG', 'Android', 'HTTP', 'Google', 'RFC', 'XSS', 'DOCTYPE', 'MIME', 'CPython', 'Static', 'IBM', 'CERN', 'Semantic', 'IETF'] DOCTYPE: ['HTTP', 'IBM', 'CPython', 'MIME', 'DOM', 'Semantic', 'Functions', 'WYSIWYG', 'Mono', 'Android', 'Program', 'Google', 'RFC', 'XSS'] IBM: ['Functions', 'CPython', 'Semantic', 'Mono', 'MIME', 'Program', 'DOCTYPE', 'HTTP', 'Array', 'WYSIWYG', 'DOM', 'JVM', 'Android', 'Unicode'] WYSIWYG: ['DOM', 'HTTP', 'Android', 'Google', 'RFC', 'XSS', 'MIME', 'CPython', 'DOCTYPE', 'Static', 'IBM', 'CERN', 'Semantic', 'Functions'] XML: ['Sun', 'ECMAScript', 'Microsoft', 'SGML', 'Netscape', '%', 'Explorer', 'WHATWG', 'See', 'DTD', 'two', 'Document', 'Transitional', 'e.g'] Array: ['Unicode', 'JVM', 'CLI', 'Program', 'CRAN', 'Mono', 'GUI', 'Functions', 'Semantic', 'IBM', 'CPython', 'JS', 'MIME', 'ActionScript'] CLI: ['Unicode', 'CRAN', 'JVM', 'GUI', 'Array', 'JS', 'ActionScript', 'Program', 'Exception', 'Mono', 'SEQUEL', 'Functions', 'Semantic', 'ANSI'] ECMAScript: ['Microsoft', 'Netscape', 'Sun', 'XML', 'two', 'SGML', '%', 'Explorer', 'HTML5', 'WHATWG', 'See', 'W3C', 'DTD', 'one'] PEP: ['IDE', 'Software', '||', 'ANSI', 'SEQUEL', 'Exception', 'ActionScript', 'JS', 'GUI', 'CRAN', 'CLI', 'Unicode', 'JVM', 'Array'] Markup: ['Style', 'Oracle', 'Frameset', 'e.g', 'Transitional', 'API', 'ISO', 'Document', 'LCMCalculator', 'C.', 'String', 'DTD', 'IETF', 'CERN'] LCMCalculator: ['String', 'C.', 'IETF', 'CERN', 'Static', 'XSS', 'ISO', 'RFC', 'API', 'Google', 'Android', 'DOM', 'WYSIWYG', 'Oracle'] Functions: ['IBM', 'Mono', 'Semantic', 'CPython', 'Program', 'MIME', 'Array', 'DOCTYPE', 'HTTP', 'JVM', 'Unicode', 'WYSIWYG', 'DOM', 'CLI'] Style: ['Markup', 'Frameset', 'e.g', 'Oracle', 'Transitional', 'Document', 'API', 'ISO', 'DTD', 'LCMCalculator', 'C.', 'String', 'IETF', 'CERN'] e.g: ['Transitional', 'Frameset', 'Style', 'Document', 'Markup', 'Oracle', 'DTD', 'API', 'ISO', 'See', 'WHATWG', 'C.', 'LCMCalculator', 'String'] one: ['W3C', 'HTML5', 'two', 'XHTML', 'Java', 'ISO/IEC', 'C++', 'SQL', 'Netscape', 'Python', 'JavaScript', 'Microsoft', '#', 'ECMAScript'] API: ['ISO', 'Oracle', 'C.', 'LCMCalculator', 'String', 'Markup', 'IETF', 'CERN', 'Style', 'Static', 'XSS', 'Frameset', 'RFC', 'e.g'] HTML5: ['W3C', 'one', 'two', 'Netscape', 'Microsoft', 'ECMAScript', 'XHTML', 'Java', 'ISO/IEC', 'C++', 'SQL', 'Sun', 'XML', 'Python'] Mono: ['Functions', 'Program', 'Semantic', 'IBM', 'CPython', 'MIME', 'Array', 'JVM', 'Unicode', 'DOCTYPE', 'CLI', 'HTTP', 'CRAN', 'GUI'] ISO: ['API', 'C.', 'Oracle', 'LCMCalculator', 'String', 'IETF', 'CERN', 'Markup', 'Static', 'XSS', 'Style', 'RFC', 'Frameset', 'Google'] Document: ['Transitional', 'DTD', 'e.g', 'Frameset', 'Style', 'Markup', 'See', 'WHATWG', 'Oracle', 'Explorer', 'API', '%', 'SGML', 'ISO'] ActionScript: ['JS', 'SEQUEL', 'Exception', 'GUI', 'Software', 'ANSI', 'CRAN', '||', 'PEP', 'CLI', 'Unicode', 'IDE', 'JVM', 'Array'] WHATWG: ['Explorer', 'See', 'SGML', '%', 'DTD', 'Document', 'Transitional', 'e.g', 'Frameset', 'Style', 'Markup', 'XML', 'Sun', 'Oracle'] CSS: ['HTML', 'Python', 'JavaScript', 'SQL', '#', 'C++', 'ISO/IEC', 'Java', 'XHTML', 'one', 'W3C', 'HTML5', 'two', 'Netscape'] IETF: ['CERN', 'String', 'Static', 'C.', 'XSS', 'LCMCalculator', 'RFC', 'Google', 'Android', 'ISO', 'DOM', 'WYSIWYG', 'API', 'HTTP'] See: ['WHATWG', 'DTD', 'Explorer', '%', 'SGML', 'Document', 'Transitional', 'e.g', 'Frameset', 'Style', 'Markup', 'Oracle', 'XML', 'Sun'] Semantic: ['Functions', 'IBM', 'Mono', 'CPython', 'MIME', 'Program', 'Array', 'DOCTYPE', 'HTTP', 'JVM', 'DOM', 'Unicode', 'WYSIWYG', 'CLI'] XSS: ['Static', 'CERN', 'RFC', 'IETF', 'Google', 'String', 'Android', 'C.', 'LCMCalculator', 'DOM', 'WYSIWYG', 'HTTP', 'ISO', 'DOCTYPE'] JVM: ['Unicode', 'CLI', 'Array', 'CRAN', 'GUI', 'Program', 'Mono', 'JS', 'ActionScript', 'Functions', 'Semantic', 'IBM', 'Exception', 'CPython'] ANSI: ['Software', 'SEQUEL', 'PEP', '||', 'IDE', 'ActionScript', 'Exception', 'JS', 'GUI', 'CRAN', 'CLI', 'Unicode', 'JVM', 'Array'] Oracle: ['Markup', 'Style', 'API', 'ISO', 'Frameset', 'e.g', 'Transitional', 'C.', 'LCMCalculator', 'String', 'Document', 'IETF', 'CERN', 'Static'] W3C: ['HTML5', 'one', 'two', 'XHTML', 'Netscape', 'Java', 'ISO/IEC', 'Microsoft', 'C++', 'SQL', 'ECMAScript', 'Python', 'JavaScript', '#'] JavaScript: ['Python', 'C++', 'SQL', 'Java', 'ISO/IEC', 'XHTML', '#', 'CSS', 'one', 'W3C', 'HTML', 'HTML5', 'two', 'Netscape'] Google: ['Android', 'WYSIWYG', 'DOM', 'RFC', 'HTTP', 'XSS', 'Static', 'CERN', 'IETF', 'String', 'DOCTYPE', 'MIME', 'CPython', 'C.'] HTML: ['CSS', 'Python', 'JavaScript', '#', 'SQL', 'C++', 'ISO/IEC', 'Java', 'XHTML', 'one', 'W3C', 'HTML5', 'two', 'Netscape'] XHTML: ['Java', 'ISO/IEC', 'C++', 'SQL', 'Python', 'JavaScript', '#', 'one', 'W3C', 'HTML5', 'CSS', 'two', 'HTML', 'Netscape'] Unicode: ['CLI', 'JVM', 'Array', 'CRAN', 'GUI', 'Program', 'JS', 'Mono', 'ActionScript', 'Exception', 'Functions', 'Semantic', 'IBM', 'SEQUEL'] Program: ['Mono', 'Functions', 'Semantic', 'IBM', 'Array', 'CPython', 'MIME', 'JVM', 'Unicode', 'CLI', 'DOCTYPE', 'CRAN', 'GUI', 'HTTP'] Sun: ['XML', 'ECMAScript', 'Microsoft', 'Netscape', 'SGML', '%', 'Explorer', 'WHATWG', 'See', 'DTD', 'two', 'Document', 'Transitional', 'e.g'] C.: ['String', 'IETF', 'LCMCalculator', 'CERN', 'Static', 'XSS', 'ISO', 'API', 'RFC', 'Google', 'Android', 'WYSIWYG', 'DOM', 'Oracle'] ||: ['Software', 'PEP', 'ANSI', 'SEQUEL', 'IDE', 'Exception', 'ActionScript', 'JS', 'GUI', 'CRAN', 'CLI', 'Unicode', 'JVM', 'Array'] HTTP: ['WYSIWYG', 'DOM', 'Android', 'Google', 'MIME', 'CPython', 'DOCTYPE', 'IBM', 'RFC', 'Semantic', 'Functions', 'XSS', 'Mono', 'Static'] CERN: ['IETF', 'Static', 'String', 'XSS', 'C.', 'LCMCalculator', 'RFC', 'Google', 'Android', 'DOM', 'WYSIWYG', 'ISO', 'HTTP', 'API'] #: ['ISO/IEC', 'SQL', 'C++', 'Python', 'XHTML', 'Java', 'JavaScript', 'CSS', 'one', 'W3C', 'HTML', 'HTML5', 'two', 'Netscape'] Transitional: ['e.g', 'Frameset', 'Document', 'Style', 'Markup', 'DTD', 'Oracle', 'See', 'API', 'ISO', 'WHATWG', 'C.', 'LCMCalculator', 'Explorer'] ISO/IEC: ['SQL', 'C++', 'XHTML', 'Java', 'Python', 'JavaScript', '#', 'CSS', 'one', 'W3C', 'HTML5', 'HTML', 'two', 'Netscape'] Microsoft: ['ECMAScript', 'Netscape', 'Sun', 'XML', 'two', 'SGML', '%', 'Explorer', 'HTML5', 'WHATWG', 'W3C', 'See', 'one', 'DTD'] Exception: ['SEQUEL', 'ActionScript', 'JS', '||', 'ANSI', 'Software', 'GUI', 'PEP', 'CRAN', 'IDE', 'CLI', 'Unicode', 'JVM', 'Array'] %: ['SGML', 'Explorer', 'WHATWG', 'See', 'DTD', 'Document', 'XML', 'Sun', 'Transitional', 'e.g', 'Frameset', 'Style', 'Markup', 'Oracle'] C++: ['SQL', 'ISO/IEC', 'Java', 'Python', 'XHTML', 'JavaScript', '#', 'CSS', 'one', 'W3C', 'HTML5', 'HTML', 'two', 'Netscape'] CRAN: ['CLI', 'GUI', 'Unicode', 'JS', 'JVM', 'ActionScript', 'Array', 'Exception', 'SEQUEL', 'ANSI', 'Software', 'Program', '||', 'Mono'] CPython: ['MIME', 'IBM', 'Semantic', 'Functions', 'Mono', 'Program', 'HTTP', 'DOCTYPE', 'WYSIWYG', 'DOM', 'Android', 'Array', 'Google', 'JVM'] Netscape: ['Microsoft', 'ECMAScript', 'Sun', 'two', 'XML', 'HTML5', 'W3C', 'SGML', '%', 'Explorer', 'one', 'WHATWG', 'See', 'DTD'] Explorer: ['SGML', 'WHATWG', '%', 'See', 'DTD', 'Document', 'XML', 'Sun', 'Transitional', 'e.g', 'Frameset', 'Style', 'Markup', 'Oracle'] References: 1. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-named-entity-recognition-ner-using-spacy/ 2. https://spacy.io/usage/training#ner 3. https://towardsdatascience.com/custom-named-entity-recognition-using-spacy-7140ebbb3718 4. https://towardsdatascience.com/named-entity-recognition-with-nltk-and-spacy-8c4a7d88e7da
Exploring Word2Vec to find closest technologies using Wikipedia
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