Success Story: Anirudh Sharma (2019)

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Anirudh Sharma

1996, Software Engineer

  1. What is the one factor that contributed most in what you have achieved in life?

    My attitude... And because of it I have always under-acheived than my potential.

  2. What is your single biggest achievement?

    I still am alive.

  3. What is the one lesson that you learnt the hard way?

    Hardwork always beats talent.

  4. What is the one thing that you would like to change about India to make it a better country?

    Attitude of the people towards their duties and rights.

  5. What would be your message to anyone aspiring success?

    It is possible if you think you can.

  6. What is the biggest mistake that you have ever made?

    Not working on the things I feel I should.

  7. Please tell us about the toughest times you have ever had, the most testing times that you have been through.

    Going from one SSB attempt to further innumerable attempts with zero motivation.

  8. What is the one thing that motivates you the most?


  9. What is the one thing that worries you the most?

    My future existence.

  10. Please tell us about your five years plan, personally and professionally.

    Anirudh 5 years from now will be physically fit and active. Professionally, he'll be more devoted to his career and his growth will be better than the present career graph. He would have learnt some new languages by then, at least Urdu. He will be more devoted to his family. And I hope the kid inside will still be there. That's a lot to ask from future Anirudh, but the present Anirudh feels he is capable enough.

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