Wednesday, May 3, 2023

5 Problems on strings (Using Python)

1: Print every second character of a string using for-loop

name = "Johanth Yada" # Variable declaration # What a string is? A string is a list of characters that we can iterate. # We iterate over a sequence using the "in" keyword. # for i in name: # print(i) # USING INTERATION OR FOR-LOOP cntr = 1 # This is because we need to pick every second character only. To keep a track of our characters in the string. for i in name: if(cntr % 2 == 0): print(i) cntr += 1 print("----------") # STRING INDEXING print(name[1 : len(name) : 2]) # start index (0), end index (length - 1), step (1) # Stings indexing starts from 0. And the first character we wanted was on index number "1". names = "Johanth Yada, Shaurya" # STRING INDEXING print(names[5 : len(names) : 2]) # Stings indexing starts from 0. And the first character we wanted was on index number "1".

2: Reverse the order of words in a given string

# Python3 program to reverse a string # s = input() s = "i like this program very much" words = s.split(' ') string = [] for word in words: string.insert(0, word) print(" ".join(string))

Version 2

# input string string = "i like this program very much" # spliting words in the given string using slicing reverse the words s = string.split()[::-1] # joining the reversed string and printing the output print(" ".join(s))

3: Check whether a given number is divisible by 7

# Using Modulo n=371 # the above input can also be given as n=input() -> taking input from user # finding given number is divisible by 7 or not if int(n)%7==0: print("divisible") else: print("Not divisible") # Using divide and multiply import math n = 48 quo = math.floor(n/7) # int() was not explicit that we needed a floor value. if quo*7 == n: print("Divisible") else: print("Not Divisible")

4: Check if given String is Pangram or not

test_pangram_positive = [ "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", "Waltz, bad nymph, for quick jigs vex.", "Glib jocks quiz nymph to vex dwarf.", "Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.", "How quickly daft jumping zebras vex!", "The five boxing wizards jump quickly.", "Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.", "Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs." ] test_pangram_negative = [ "My name is Ashish.", "I love programming.", "Am from Delhi and brown fox jumps over the dog." ] def check_pangram(in_str): in_str = in_str.lower() in_str = [x for x in in_str if x.isalpha()] in_str = set(in_str) ret_val = False if(len(in_str) == 26): ret_val = True return ret_val for i in test_pangram_positive: print(check_pangram(i)) for i in test_pangram_negative: print(check_pangram(i))

Version 2

s = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy boy." s = s.lower() new_str = "" for i in s: if i.isalpha(): new_str = new_str + i a = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" msg = "Yes, it is a pangram" for i in a: if i not in new_str: msg = "No, it is not a pangram" print(msg)

5: Given a string, create a new string without vowels and print that string

x = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] y = input("please enter the word: ").lower() result="" print(range(len(y))) for i in range(len(y)): if y[i] not in x: result = result + y[i] else: print(y[i]) print("\nAfter removing vowels: ", result)

Version 2: Using List Comprehension

x = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] y = input("please enter the word: ").lower() result = [i for i in y if i not in x] print("".join(result))
Tags: Technology,Python,

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