Friday, May 12, 2023

BITS WILP Information Retrieval Assignment 2023-H1 (Problem)

WILP Assignment 2nd Semester 2022-2023
(35 pts)
Prajna Upadhyay
April 2023

#1 Research Paper Review Report Assignment
The goal is to read, understand, and critically analyze the given paper. The review report is made up of the following sections. Each section should contain at most 5 sentences (worth 3 marks) and 8 sentences (worth 5 marks).

1. Problem. What is the problem/study that the paper addresses?

2. Related Work. What are other work(s) that solve similar problem(s)/conduct similar study?

3. Difference from Related Work. How is this paper different from other techniques mentioned in the related work section? What is new about their approach?

4. Methodology. Summarize the method(s) proposed in the paper.

5. Datasets. Did the paper use any datasets for their experiments? Summarize them.

6. Experiments. Briefly describe what experiments were performed.

7. Results. What is the lesson learned from the experiments?

8. Three major strengths of the paper

9. Three major weaknesses of the paper

10. Scope of Work. How can you/your employer benefit from this work? If not, in which domain can this be applied?

#2 Grading

You will be evaluated based on your overall understanding of the paper. Strict plagiarism checking will be done. The severity of plagiarism determines how much you will be penalized. The section-wise marks allocation is shown in

#3 Papers to review 3 papers are available for review. You can choose one of them. All of them are related to search and ranking. 1. Assessing Viewpoint Diversity in Search Results Using Ranking Fairness Metrics, Link: 2. This Is Not What We Ordered: Exploring Why Biased Search Result Rankings Affect User Attitudes on Debated Topics, Link: 3. This Item Might Reinforce Your Opinion, Link: #4 What will you submit Each student will submit one PDF file containing the review report. Both handwritten and typed summaries will be accepted.

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