Showing posts with label Journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journal. Show all posts

Friday, May 27, 2022

Tri Nagar Home Renovation Notes (2022 May 28)

Index of Journals

1. Amar Building Materials for Tiles 1

2. Amar Building Materials for Tiles 2

3. Estimate for doors for bathroom and toilets by Vijay Mittal and Md Aslam

4. Md Aslam (Plumber) 1

5. Md Aslam (Plumber) and Mason 2

6. Md Aslam (Plumber) 3

7. Md Nizamuddin (Painter Material) - First Week of Apr-2022 (1)

8. Md Nizamuddin (Painter Material) - First Week of Apr-2022 (2)

9. Plumber Material List 20220523

10. Ram Sajiwal (mason) estimate for tiles for ground floor bathroom

11. Tejbhan Vidhayak (Mason)

12. Tejbhan Vidhayak for Ground Floor Bathroom Tiles 20220526

13. Vijay Mittal (Contractor)

14. Flench


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Tri Nagar Home Renovation Notes (2022 May 24)

Index of Journals

Tags: Technology,Journal,Management,Investment,

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Tri Nagar Tiles Work on Mezzanine Floor for Tenants (2022-May-22)

Index of Journals

Excel Sheet For Labor for applying tiles on Mezzanine Floor at the rate of 25 Rs per sq. foot

Excel Sheet for Labor and Material

Area measurements (1)

Area measurements (2)

Tags: Technology,Journal,Investment,Management,

Friday, May 20, 2022

Paint Work in Tri Nagar Home by Md Salim (2022-May-20)

Index of Journals

73rd St. Mezzanine Floor:
- 2 sets of doors
- 1 Window
- Balcony
- Roof top box and ceiling in both: balcony and toilet


- 73 St. Facade
- 73 St. Alley
- Stair Well
- High Wall
- Second Level Terrace


75 Mezzanine Floor:

- 3 sets of windows
- 2 sets of doors
- balcony
- Roof top box and ceiling in both: balcony and toilet

75th St. Facade


73 Groud Floor - Outer Room:

- 2 sets of windows 
- 2 sets of doors 
- 2 sets of almirah


73 Ground Floor - Inner Room:

- 2 sets of Almirah 
- 2 sets of windows 
- 1 set of doors 


75th St. Ground Floor - Inner Room:

- 1 Almirah 
- 2 windows 
- 1 pair of doors


75th St. Ground Floor - Outer Room:

- 2 sets of doors
- 2 sets of windows 
- 2 almirah 


Tags: Journal,Investment,Management,

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Certificate for Webinar on Career Road-Map for AI & Data Science at Global Institute of Technology, Jaipur 2021-Jul-24

Index of Journals

Certificate of Appreciation is awarded to Mr. Ashish Jain in grateful recognition for valuable contribution as resource speaker for webinar with the topic "Career Road-Map for AI & Data Science" at GLOBAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, JAIPUR on date 24th July 2021, Saturday.

Tags: Journal,Technology,

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Malini Kochar (2022-May-15)

Yes, it is confusing what I should do now? How should I start telling you about Malini Kochar.
Well, first thing: Let me introduce her to you with some titles like her highness deserves.
Malini Kochar, the mother of pig, the whore of seven kingdoms and the money hungry gold digger bitch.
And her pig has a name: Dhruv Kochar
Do you know what it feels like to be powerful?
Have you ever been an abuser, a bully? But it does not matter who you, what matters is who Malini Kochar is.
She is rich but not powerful, she is a cunt.
What am doing here is a crime. Do not try it at home. Haha.
Am going to give you her address so you know where she lives and you relate more with her.
B-23, Manu Apartments, Mayur Vihar, Ph 1, Delhi 110091
Now, why I am doing this all when I can simply go and sleep on this peaceful night?
I will tell you why. Her face makes me sick.
I don't want to stay stuck in that trauma and die from taking medications for sleep, depression and anxiety.
Every time I am on a visit to Manu Apartments, one of her reminders of her or her family appear somewhere or the other.
Good night!
Tags: Journal,

Friday, May 6, 2022

Hammer, Chisel and Grinder (Journal 2022-May-06)

Index of Journals

"9 years later and the sounds of chisel and hammer, and grinder affect me."

I had lied down around 12 AM but still I have not been able to catch sleep at 01:50 AM.
Tejbhan Vidhayak mason completed his work today.
I don't seem to have any headache but just some kind of little irritation and anxiety in head.
One of the reasons that I am not able to sleep is because I might have slept for roughly 5 hours in the afternoon.
In the evening, I was winding up the paperwork for electrician (Dinesh Saini), painter (Md. Nizamuddin), mason (Tejbhan Vidhayak) and plumbing work (Vijay Mittal and Md. Aslam).
Something funny happened today:
I mistakenly did not join the "HR Disciplinary Discussion" for complaints against me of unavailability around 4:30 and she had to reschedule it at 6 PM.
Before going to bed, I was working on finding my psychiatrist prescriptions to send them to HR so that she is aware of everything she should know.
That was how I spent my day.

Took medication for sleep, anxiety and depression.
Now am going sleep with Moti next to me in my bed.

Thank you for reading.
Tags: Technology,Psychology,Journal,Behavioral Science,

Power Seminar organized by ICT Academy, Ram Lal Anand College and SkyCampus (19-Feb-2021)

Index of Journals

Power Seminar organized by ICT Academy, Ram Lal Anand College and SkyCampus


1. ICT Academy 2. Ram Lal Anand College 3. SkyCampus

Tri Nagar Home Renovation Notes (May 2022)

Index of Journals

Dinesh Saini Electrician

Manish Sharma Architect

Manoj Kumar Electrician 1

Nizamuddin 1

Nizamuddin 2

Nizamuddin 3

Nizamuddin 4

Tejbhan Vidhayak 1

Tejbhan Vidhayak 2

Tejbhan Vidhayak 3

Vijay Mittal 1

MS Excel Sheets





Tags: Journal,Investment,Management,

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Certification for Webinar from Dayanand Sagar University, Bengaluru

Tags: Journal,

Friday, March 25, 2022

The Firing at Mobileum (Jun 2018)

Index of Journals

I though I was going to write about the Dunnhumby Interview but it turned to be a completely different story about an incident that happened around the same time.

THE DUNNHUMBY REJECTION: It was my first serious interview for a data science job.

I have been working since 2013 but even to this date I cannot say what are the telltale signs of getting a pink slip, getting fired, being relieved from the job or starting of a separation process, or telltale signs of getting off boarded.

The first, foremost, palpable sign that you will be fired is that company starts reducing the dependency on you.

% Have you been asked to give KT (Knowledge Transfer)?

% Have you been not getting attention in calls and meetings?

% Have you been asked to work on low priority tasks?

% Have you been asked to work on trivial stuff?

% Has your reporting manager been changed to lower ranking employee?


The SECOND telltale sign that you will be fired soon is if you have been given a task to do in which you badly faltered or failed at least once in your employment history.
A related sign to first and second sign is the tacit lowering of your status in the company.
Like passing of comments by your team lead or manager of the sorts:
Turn around, bent down, pants down.

Can a manager hit an employee at workplace with a shoe?
All of this was happening with me at Mobileum.
After this was roughly when I had seriously started taking my preparation for data science job interviews.

The hardest part about knowing whether or not you will be fired is to detect lying or deceitful behaviour by the people higher up your corporate ladder. 
Here is a disclosure:
I always thought that Chandrashekhar Marathe (the Vice President) was an honest, straightforward man. I was wrong. After I had been relieved from the job, I was still in denial and I called Shekhar to ask him a few things like why was I fired, what can I do to get back in the job, and etc.

The information he divulged during this phone call was that Shekhar had known about the firing long back. More than that, he was the signatory approver of it.
He told me that he got the same feedback from all three managers I had worked with: 
Dinesh Sawant
Rupesh Patodi, and
Prashant Saxena

The feedback was in three parts:
1) I was not sitting on seat but other people's desk or meeting rooms.

2) I was giving huge time expectations for every task.

3) My timings of coming in the office and leaving the office were very erratic and unusual.

Although everything looks crystal clear in the hindsight but back then when I was in the exit meeting with the HR director and Prashant Saxena that I had to submit my resignation letter before 5 PM, I was shocked to the level speechlessness and then in phase of denial for a long time post that day.

Thank you for reading.
See you in the next post. 
Tags: Journal,Behavioral Science,Psychology,Management,Investment,

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Sneha Kiran, Vijaya Marneni, and Dinesh Sawant

Index of Journals
The role that Sneha Kiran was playing in Mobileum when I had joined the company in May 2015 and till the time she left in May 2016 was of a UI/UX Expert and People Manager.

She wasn't just managing the Mobileum's internal team of GUI developers, but also the UI/UX designers' team and also the third party VibrantInfo's team of GUI developers.
My memories of interactions with Sneha were those of task allocations calls alongside just the team lead, or along side the entire team during the weekly team meetings over conference calls from the Mobileum's meeting rooms (that I used to take alongside Yajuvendra from Gurugram office).

At times, I felt she was protective of the team and, mixed and interacted with them well. Am saying this last statement because of the memories I have of project development managers like Rajesh Jindal and Prashant Saxena. In even under extreme pressure from these managers over mail with their directors (like Vishal Gandhi and Dinesh Sawant) in loop and at times, Shekhar (Vice President) also, Sneha wouldn't lose her composure, would take time in responding, apologize if there were unjust delays in response but deliverables would never get hurt and quality work was done.

And it wasn't just my project development managers, there were others too like QA managers: Kavita Surve (of NTR) and Somshekhar in Bengaluru office.

Sneha and I are friends till this day, at least I consider her as one.
When I told her I was working on a piece titled "Sneha Kiran, Vijaya Marneni and Dinesh Sawant", she said she wasn't in a very good phase of life. There I promised her that once I complete the post, I would first let her review it before putting it online and she replied with a 'thumps up'.
Now the thing that's going in my head is not memory that needs reminiscing. It is a question, rather a big one that can become a separate post in its own right.

The questions are:
Why did Sneha leave Mobileum?
Was her a case of "glass ceiling preventing promotion" or the case of "promotion as per Peter's principle"?

I think it was both. She could have taken up a better role with one of the design teams, or marketing teams or some other department if not engineering.

But that is not what happened, what happened was that Vijaya Marneni, an outsider, a techie, took the place of Sneha when she left, and held a designation of GUI Architect and Manager.

Vijaya did not stay in the job that was more of a charade, mockery of his Architect designation and more of a "follow-up task manager's job".

If I remember correctly, Vijaya left Mobileum by Jan 2017, and GUI team was disintegrated there after and individual UI developers were aligned with the Directors of the business verticals they were working in.
This was how I came under Dinesh Sawant.
I was not very happy with the new arrangement and I wrote a one-to-one mail to Shekhar when I received the first news of this new development. Or disintegration I should call it more appropriately.
Vijaya leaving the organisation doesn't look a surprise to me in the hind sight today. His people skills were not on par with Sneha and there was no architect work for him in GUI team.
I had asked Shekhar to not scatter the GUI team, give the then-team lead Apurba Das more leadership role and maybe also promote one of Senior Software Engineers (SSE) to share the load.
But my words were falling on deaf ears.
When I started under Dinesh Sawant from Jan 2017, I was rowing two boats. One was my job, another was my BITS Pilani, M Tech. Program.
But as the Russian proverb goes:
"Person rowing with feet in two boats, drowns."
I was relieved from job in Aug 2018 but by then, I, luckily, had finished my MTech and joined Infosys.

Thank you for reading.
See you in the next post.
Tags: Journal,Behavioral Science,Management,

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Knockout versus AngularJS

Index of Journals
It's a scene from 2015.

Srinivasan T and Aniket Sawant were working on a project that had a very modern UI and UX with respect to any other application built using iMAS platform. Srinivasan could not have pulled it off alone and Aniket who was an expert in iMAS and had working knowledge of AngularJS worked together on this project. It was a high visibility project and both Aniket and Srini received the quarterly award for it.

Subscriber Location Tracker: it was the first project that was built using Angular JS.
It had some fancy UI components like the World Heat Map and/or World Bubble Chart. It also had a 'Page Loading' spinner for a file upload or download utility.

This was a two line story of how AngularJS came in the GUI team. Apart from AngularJS, there were some applications being built by Vibrant Info team (Nitin Kacharia) that had a modern UI/UX that differed from the then-traditional iMAS applications.

The JS library that Nitin was using was KnockoutJS.
And the application that Nitin and team were working majorly on was iCampaign.

The problem was that the existing iMAS applications were using the vanilla JavaScript that too under the SCRIPT tag, instead of separate JS file. Some applications being touched or modified by the current team were getting jQuery used in them but alongside the vanilla code.

So the high priority work that the team was doing at that time was the revamping of the UI of a major application there at Mobileum. It's name was abbreviated as NTR, and it was the highest selling, most profitable product of Mobileum.

Now what the Chief Enterprise Architect (Brat) was doing around this time is also important and related to this talk.

Subhabrata Biswas, or Brat (with which he signed his mails and what people used to call him) was working on two projects related to the iMAS. Both were going to be major changes in the internals of the iMAS framework.
The two projects were related to each other, yet they deserve separate mention and space.
The first one was changing the iMAS internals to move it from Java, FreeMarker, XML and JavaScript stack to Java, Rhino Script and KnockoutJS stack based framework.

The second one was the Ad-hoc reporting extension of the iMAS.

As the company and it's clients had accumulated historic data, Mobileum had started adopting distributed databases for storing the Big Data, alongside the relational databases.
Ad-hoc reporting tool was built to give clients the report on their historic data or the Big Data. The Ad-hoc reporting tool used JSON based configuration files to understand, interpret and draw the chart like "Top 10 XYZ", Bottom 10 XYZ, produce aggregation reports like on weekly, monthly and / or yearly basis. It had plenty of visualisations like histogram, bubble chart, world map, line chart, table view, pie chart, stacked bar chart, scatter plot, etc. among many others using the JavaScript library of D3.JS. The reporting tool worked based on the descriptions provided by the user in the form of JSON file. These descriptions included table names, columns, type of chart required, and additional chart properties.

Personally speaking, I was hurt when I learnt that Brat and some project managers had got third party client VibrantInfo's developers to travel to Mumbai for training around these two new changes in the iMAS. 

To be frankly speaking, it effectively meant that the existing internal team had lost the opportunity to learn and re-skill.
And then this 'non re-skilling' was a major reason why Yaju and I were laid off in 2018.
In the meanwhile, Aniket has left the company on the 31st Dec 2015. He was offered promotion and better projects but nothing speaks louder than money, which was his prime ask.
Srini left the company in Nov 2017.
The conclusion is this:
Boss is always right.
If Brat thought he would use Knockout at the front-end then that was that.
I could never reason this 'Knockout vs AngularJS' with him but as of Jan, 2022, AngularJS has reached End-of-life while Knockout JS is still developing. Seems like Brat was right all along.

So as of this fight, Knockout came out as winner. 
Thank you for reading.
Tags: Journal,Investment,Management,Behavioral Science,