Thursday, September 28, 2017

My Books Wish List (October, 2017)

Dear friends

I love reading so one day I decided to get the list of famous books of my interest and then I search them on search engines like Google, Million Short ( to get them gratis. For example, if I wanted self  help books, I query 'self help books' on Google and it presents you with a list of its own. While opening Google, instead of typing '' (this redirects you to local site like '', '', etc), type '', here 'ncr' means 'no country redirect' and you land on to the global '' page.

Given below is the list from '':

Given below is the list from '':

Next you look up for book you want by forming queries like 'the secret pdf', 'power of now pdf', 'think and grow rich pdf', and so forth. If this does not work, try other post-fixes after the book name like ''psycho cybernetics epub', 'psycho cybernetics ebook download' to get links to any site like '' having the book for download in format other than PDF.

Here is a list of books that I wish to read but could not find them to download gratis. If you have any of these books, please send it at:

Self Help Books:
  1. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success (Deepak Chopra M.D., 1994)
  2. You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life (Jen Sincero, 2013 e1)
  3. Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life (Dr Spencer Johnson, 1998 e1)
  4. Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself (Melody Beattie, 1986 e1, 1992 e2)
  5. The Untethered Soul (Michael A. Singer, 1971, 2007)
  6. The Happiness Project: Or Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun. (Gretchen Rubin, 2009)
  7. The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path To Higher Creativity (Julia Cameron, 1992)
  8. Women Who Love Too Much (self-help, Robin Norwood, 1985)
  9. The Magic (self-help and spirituality, Rhonda Byrne, 2012)
  10. The Richest Man in Babylon (George Samuel Clason, financial advice through a collection of parables, 1926)
  11. Wherever You Go, There You Are (Jon Kabat-Zinn, 1994)
  12. 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Really Works – a True Story (Dan Harris, 2014) 
  13. F*ck Feelings: One Shrink's Practical Advice for Managing All Life's Impossible Problems (Michael Bennett MD, Sarah Bennett, e1 2015)
  14. Full catastrophe living: using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain, and illness (Jon Kabat-Zinn, 1991)
  15. 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot (Richard Wiseman, 2009)
  16. The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook (Matthew McKay, Elizabeth Robbins Eshelman & Martha Davis, 2008, 6e)
  17. Train Your Brain: 60 Days to a Better Brain (Ryuta Kawashima, 2003)
  18. Study Smarter, Not Harder (Kevin Paul MA, 2014)
  19. The Book of Woman (Osho, 2013)
Fiction Books:
  1. Don't Let Go (Harlan Coben, 2017)
Though the purpose of this article is to tell you how you could get free books online, but at times there are books that are either to new to be on internet for download, or are not so popular to show up in top ranks in Google search result, or are simply not there on the internet for download, at this time, some one who could afford it can look up the URL given below for those books and then share them to help others grow as well, after all, sharing is caring!

Few paid sites where these books might be available in downloadable format are:

Paid sites where you could read online:
To use Google to search a URL for a book, type in search string like this: "book-name", "book-name" and so forth.

# Creating a 'Google Search Alert' for books
To monitor the web for interesting new content about your search-query. Go to Google Alerts page and create a search-alert for a search query like "you are a badass pdf" and once new results are published on the web you will be notified about it over mail and on this page.

Thanking you in anticipation!
Warm Regards

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